SOPHIA Volume 5, No. 1 Visual Spaces of Change: Designing Interiority - shelter, shape, place, atmosphere
SOPHIA Volume 5, No. 1 Visual Spaces of Change: Designing Interiority - shelter, shape, place, atmosphere
This 5th number of Sophia from the series Visual Spaces of Change, with the theme “Designing Interiority- Shelter, Shape, Place, Atmosphere”, has as invited Editors Fátima Pombo and Silvina Félix.
Designing Interiority - shelter, shape, place, atmosphere ensures the specificity of Sophia´s number that presents articles and other texts discussing the core of interiority in architecture as a matter open to diverse ideas and practices in the realm of built space to be experienced by its dwellers. Interiority to be argued as a dimension that differentiates a place of a non-place. How shelter, shape, place, atmosphere portray scenarios that enhance experiences, events, occurrences beyond the functionalistic rhetoric enveloping them.
Visual Spaces of Change: Designing Interiority- Shelter, Shape, Place, Atmosphere
VOLUME 5 | ISSUE 1 | 2020
Porto, 2020
115 pages
ISBN 978-989-54878-3-7
ISSN 2183-8976