The VSC draws on broad conceptions of creativity and innovation as driving forces of social and institutional co-evolution processes, exploring the potential of photography to question imaginatively and address issues that are cross-cutting to the interdisciplinary debate on Architecture, City and Territory. In this perspective, this project intends to develop tools for a greater integration between emerging sociocultural dynamics in alternative spaces of public participation, institutionalized artistic spaces and the cultural, architectural and environmental heritage of Porto Metropolitan Region (AMP). By documenting processes of territorial transformation in specific points, this project proposes to use the infrastructure of the Metro do Porto as an exhibition support for an open museum in interaction with other spaces of the city.
This project aims to articulate the mobilizing potential of Architecture and Art to identify and give visibility to new spaces of action and urban intervention. By means of these actions where the investigation takes place in the territory, interfering with it, this project intends to leverage new flows of people, resources and ideas in the AMP through the use of image and photography, contributing to a growing recognition of its cultural assets. Through the development of communication strategies and critical self-reflection exercises inserted in a broad discussion about public space, this project seeks to link objective and subjective aspects of observation, analysis, interpretation and expression of the multiple overlapping realities that make up the public space. Crossing frontiers and challenging disciplinary boundaries, VSC promotes synergies between diverse sensitivities and action-research competencies capable of strengthening emerging spaces of participation and citizenship.
This project proposes to highlight the potential of Architecture, City and Territory Photography to give visibility to new spaces of public and collective interest. The online platform of VSC reinforces this potential, providing a digital support for greater interaction among a wide range of publics, constituting a horizontal network of communication between artistic institutions and the public in general. All this provides a basis for visual information that is meant to be expanded beyond the restricted scope of this project, and whose contents can serve to discover new routes and visions of the city, offering different levels of cultural information about the public space and territory.