Berber Theunissen (Netherlands, 1989) is graduated (Cum Laude) from the Fotoacademie in Amsterdam. For her graduation series ‘Vagabond’ she explored how one lives without a permanent home, and how it feels to wander between friends and family with few possesions. Berber chooses to capture those situations that she little grasp of. Through photography, she creates her own holdfast to view her own life more objectively. She has exhibited her work in several solo and in group exhibitions in the Netherlands, and has had work published in international magazines and websites. Works and lives in Amsterdam.



After ‘Vagabond’ she created ‘Dozen of Bulls’ during a tour with her grandfather through Iceland. “Fall 2013 me and my granddad went to Iceland. Me 24, him 75, differentiated by 51 years of life-experience. While I was figuring out how to live my life and what choices to make. Granddad was looking back on the choices he made in life and the ‘growth’ between then and now. We had never been this close...” Berber’s work was selected by Foam as a part of the exhibition ‘Photo Town’ in Felix&Foam, as well being selected for the ‘New Dutch Photography Talent’ in Gup Gallery Amsterdam.


editor´s note

Our aim is to disseminate and bring to light telling work of emergent or young photographers.