Alexandra Serrano is a French-Mexican photographer. She holds two Master degrees, one in Photographic Studies from Westminster University and one in Art History from the university Paris 8. Her practice is mainly autobiographical and self- reflective, tackling themes such as those of family, childhood and memory. Her work features in various publications and has been exhibited in both group and solo exhibitions across Europe and North America. Today we take a look at Alexandra’s series titled Théorie de la Cachette.


''A Common Story'' tells a story about the journey of returning to the Greek countryside in the face of the country's deep crisis. This is a revival of images that came from a simple tale: the story of the father.
Where do we come from? To what extent do we really remember a place we left behind? What finally makes a man from the countryside escape elsewhere or stay?
The one who stays witnesses past expectations as well as the current reality. He walks a line between utopia and dystopia, with only his own individual efforts to shape the landscape.
The landscape becomes a place of promise, but a forced feeling of ancestry and nostalgia prevails in the narration. Hoping, believing and living by counting absences.
Those who remain share a land(scape) as a reference point for their last image and encounter.