On the Surface - Conference Proceedings
On the Surface - Conference Proceedings
This catalogue is the result of the International Seminar On the Surface about architecture and public space images, that had place at the Faculty of Architecture of University Porto (FAUP) in May 2010 and was a common initiative between FAUP and the Architecture School of the University of Minho (EAUM), commissioned br Pedro Leão Neto e Pedro Bandeira with the exclusive sponsorship of Jofebar S.A. and the AMAG editions.
We believe the seminar On the Surface contributes significantly to lead to a greater awareness of the diverse and rich mosaic of the photography's universe.
With the Seminar and the book On the Surface, we look to intensify the debate on the relation between the architecture and its images, having as context the domain of its new means of digital communication that justify a bigger attention to the public reception of the images than to its pure technical and disciplinary construction.
Authors and Editors: Pedro Leão Neto (ed.), Pedro Bandeira (ed.), Robert Elwall, Beatriz Colomina, Christian Granshirt, Filip Dujardin, Edgar Martins, Daniel Malhão, Paulo Catrica, José Fernando Pereira, Hélène Binet, Juan Rodriguez, Pedro Gadanho, Carlos Machado, João Figueira, Sofia Tennaise, Diogo Seixas Lopes, Susana Ventura, Victor Silva, Luís Urbano, Joaquim Moreno
Porto, 2012
168 pages
ISBN: 978-989-97825-1-8