SOPHIA Volume 7, No. 1 Landscapes of Care: the emergency of landscapes of care in extreme territories
SOPHIA Volume 7, No. 1 Landscapes of Care: the emergency of landscapes of care in extreme territories
The 7th number of Sophia (the first number within the third cycle) focuses on the emergency of landscapes of care in extreme territories. Territories like: the desert; the icy- lands; within unstable boundaries, e.g. between land-water; inhabited by native communities; territories that dramatically alter their configuration due to heavy weather conditions and scarce resources or whose natural resources are violently explored and violated. These territories hold vital information about patterns of resistance, flexibility, transformation and metamorphosis, enlightening the problems of vulnerability and resistance in the unforeseen future while opening up new perspectives of design, including new ways of poetically inhabiting the world as a place of encounter between species (following Haraway’s motto “staying with the trouble” and Guattari’s demand: “We need new social and aesthetic practices, new practices of the Self in relation to the other, to the foreign, the stranger”), protecting the ecosystems and understanding architecture more than the distribution of spaces as the distribution of the sensible.
Volume 7, No. 1
Landscapes of Care: the emergency of landscapes of care in extreme territories
Publication year: 2022
Porto, 2022
150 pages
ISSN 2183-8976 [Print] 2183-9468 [Online]
ISBN 978-989-53640-1-5