


Deadline for entries: 28th February, 2019 23:59 (Portuguese time), for any information or inquiry use the following e-mail:

The third Edition of SCOPIO International Photobook Contest has as theme Crossing Borders and Shifting Boundaries: Territory, which is the main theme of the current cycle of scopio Magazine that focuses on diverse countries and on how architecture is transformed, how it reflects different hybrid cultural identities in many countries and how all of this interacts with and affects our cities and the landscape, always bearing in mind the mentioned categories: Architecture, City and Territory.

The 3 winners (first prize and 2 honourable mentions)  will be partially published in scopio Magazine VIEWFINDER, which will be entirely devoted to this contests. The first prize for the photobook will be granted the possibility for making a special edition published in Author´s Book collection. All the Awarded narratives will be published and highlighted in the networks and other web supports of the institutions that integrate the contest organization, as well as by scopio Editions.

Last contest photobook publication - NO

The contest has now a new structure and organization, which is now the responsibility of 5 international institutions related to Architecture, Art and Image (AAI), which are the Faculty of Architecture on University of Porto (FAUP)Escola Superior de Media, Artes e Design (ESMAD / P.PORTO)School of Architecture in Zaragoza (EINA)School of Architecture in Liverpool (LAS) and University of South Wales (USW).

The general objectives of this contest, as the name implies, is directed towards the creation of an Artist Photobook, which also involves the visual defition of a concept. The focus is on creating a narrative, of no less than 20 images with a descriptive memory of no more than 1000 words, assuming that by presenting a story the reader will pulled and "entertained". In this case, an image is linked with the next one at a fundamental, conceptual and emotional level, increasing the reader's attention to the work in order to figure out what those connections are. Our aim is to reveal the potential of the photobook as a mature medium capable of communicating different perspectives and of combining diverse art expressions to convey in a unique way the rich multi-layered contemporary issues related to architecture, city spaces and the territory where people live and work. In this sense, we are accepting entries of small limited editions of Artist Photobooks or Dummies, as long as they follow the regulations and the publishing disclosure rights of the contest.

We are also searching for new talents and awareness towards photography and architecture through the Artist Photobook, both in Portugal and abroad, and moreover to raise a wider appreciation of our architectural, cultural and intellectual inheritance and promote the photography platform scopio Network. This site shall also be used to publish the projects within the contest.

We are interested in photobooks that may reveal the multiple layers of history embedded in the architecture of cities from different parts of the world, showing how these cities are in constant evolution and how they define new forms of occupation of the available territory. We are also interested in understanding how social, economic and political systems and values affect the territory and its cities, as well as the way people live and work on those places.

For this number of scopio Magazine Viewfinder: Crossing Borders and Shifting Boundaries - Territory, the primarily focus will be on the subject of residential spaces, public spaces, urban scattered communities and city life in general. It will try to show works that characterise the rich multifaceted world of contemporany cities and / or non traditional urban communities regarding immigrants or minorities' different types of block, neighbourhoods, cultural diversity and values expressed in various types of residential and public spaces. Among other things, it is about looking at architectural spaces and their many signs, which reveal the values, customs and culture of the people who live there. In fact, the aim is to show a varied set of works capable of providing a creative and significant body of evidence as regards to the diversity and richness of our cities' architecture and life. In addition, it will focus on how the cities contribute to structure and characterise the territory and are responsible for order and disorder applied to urban and territorial issues. Moreover, there will be an interest in work that explores how cities and other natural systems as rivers, seas, forests and other alike have been in interaction and characterize the territory in terms of spacial morphology and political systems and values affect the way territories evolve and are categorised.

To be considered eligible for the contest, the participants should send us by email the following:

  • Physical book dummy;

  • 3 original prints (300mm x 240 mm - vertical or horizontal format);

  • The digital version of the 3 prints sent + cover (to divulge through our site);

  • A descriptive memory of no more than 1000 words, preferably bilingual or English only)

Please note that to receive back by email the physical book dummy, if not selected, participants must send to us the dummy in a pre-paid mail pack.
The organisation will select a set of self-published Dummies to be part of the CITYZINES showcase in scopio Network.




School of Architecture in Zaragoza (EINA)

School of Architecture in Liverpool (LSA)

University of South Wales (USW)

CITYSCOPIO Associação Cultural

This year’s jury will be announced soon.

Official language: Portuguese and English

Rules available here

The address to submit your work is:


Faculdade de Arquitectura da Universidade do Porto
Via Panorâmica S/N | 4150-564 Porto






Deadline for entries: 28th February 2019 23:59 (Portuguese time), addresed to the following e-mail:

The third Edition of SCOPIO International Photography Contest has as theme Crossing Borders and Shifting Boundaries, which is the main theme of the current cycle of scopio Magazine and focuses on diverse countries and on how architecture is transformed, how it reflects different hybrid cultural identities in many countries and how all of this interacts with and affects our cities and the landscape, always bearing in mind the mentioned categories: Architecture, City and Territory.

The 5 winners (first prize and honourable mentions) will be published in a new scopio Magazine VIEWFINDER, which will be entirely devoted to this contests. Awarded narratives will be published and highlighted in the networks and other web supports of the institutions that integrate the contest organization, as well as by scopio Editions.

scopio Magazine Crossing Borders and Shifting Boundaries, City

Escape Architecture (Jurgen Beck)

New  Leipzig (Silke Koch)

Disappearing into Night (David Kendall)

The contest has now a new structure and organization, which is now the responsibility of 5 international institutions related to Architecture, Art and Image (AAI), which are the Faculty of Architecture on University of Porto (FAUP)Escola Superior de Media, Artes e Design (ESMAD / P.PORTO)School of Architecture in Zaragoza (EINA)School of Architecture in Liverpool (LAS) and University of South Wales (USW).

The general objectives of this contest are the strengthening of photography as an inquisitive instrument for architecture, searching for new talents and awareness towards photography and architecture both in Portugal and abroad, and moreover to raise a wider appreciation of our architectural, cultural and intellectual inheritance and promote the photography platform scopio Network. This shall also be used to publish the projects within the contest.

Thus, we are interested in photography and in projects that may reveal the multiple layers of history embedded in the architecture of cities from different parts of the world, showing how these cities are in constant evolution and how they define new forms of occupation of the available territory. We are also interested in understanding how social, economic and political systems and values affect the territory and its cities, as well as the way people live and work on those places.

For this number of scopio Magazine Viewfinder: Crossing Borders and Shifting Boundaries - Territory, the primarily focus will be on the subject of residential spaces, public spaces, urban scattered communities and city life in general. It will try to show works that characterise the rich multifaceted world of contemporany cities and / or non traditional urban communities regarding immigrants or minorities' different types of block, neighbourhoods, cultural diversity and values expressed in various types of residential and public spaces. Among other things, it is about looking at architectural spaces and their many signs, which reveal the values, customs and culture of the people who live there. In fact, the aim is to show a varied set of works capable of providing a creative and significant body of evidence as regards to the diversity and richness of our cities' architecture and life. In addition, it will focus on how the cities contribute to structure and characterise the territory and are responsible for order and disorder applied to urban and territorial issues. Moreover, there will be an interest in work that explores how cities and other natural systems as rivers, seas, forests and other alike have been in interaction and characterize the territory in terms of spacial morphology and political systems and values affect the way territories evolve and are categorised.

Photographic entries should be submitted through email - the web service WeTransfer at can be used and the following email address should be utilized:

The submission must consist of a zipped folder (max. size 40 MB) with the name of the participant ( which must contain:

  • Title

  • Body with resume (must not overcome 2000 characters), preferably bilingual or English only;

  • Work summary: technical elements;

  • Each project submitted to contest should contain a minimum of 10 and maximum of 15 photographs;

Digital signatures or watermarks on the images submitted to contest are not allowed.

The set of images must be all in JPEG or TIFF format, and each image should not exceed 2MB. The files of the images must be identified and numbered according to the display order that is intended, for example PROJECT_NAME_PHOTO1, PROJECT_NAME_PHOTO2

Warning: these lower resolution images are intended to be viewed on a computer screen, the participants should create these images from the original higher resolution photographs, and should also keep them in their possession in order to sent them to the organization if requested for printing purposes.

All the photography narratives will be evaluated by an independent jury. Annually, scopio invites curators, architects, artists and photography connoisseurs to view and select the most innovative photography works in this international contest.




School of Architecture in Zaragoza (EINA)

School of Architecture in Liverpool (LSA)

University of South Wales (USW)

CITYSCOPIO Associação Cultural

This year’s jury will be announced soon.

Rules available here
To submit your work, click here.







U.Minho – Centro ALGORITMI – Lab2PT

Deadline for submitting applications: January 31st, 2019.


This contest encourages students of architecture, artists and multidisciplinary teams to come up with an original idea for the creation of a mobile structure designed for the exhibition of Contemporary Photography Projects within the research project VISUAL SPACES OF CHANGE (VSC).

VSC is the first stage of an Architecture, Art, Image and Innovation (AAI2) project about emerging dynamics of change in the Metropolitan Area of Porto (AMP). Contemporary Photography Projects (CPP) will be developed and implemented in specific places, conceived as "visual narratives" that intentionally interfere with the metropolitan territory in an exercise of self-reflexive representation of its own process of urban change. This network of public and collective spaces will constitute an "Open Museum" in the AMP, stimulating artistic and cultural institutions to broaden their reach and participation in the public space.

The territory under study in this project is used simultaneously as the laboratory for empirical experimentation and the stage of visual representation of the agents and processes of urban change that are intended to be analysed. This project will produce visual syntheses of these dynamics, in order to give visibility to specific aspects of their interconnected nature and historical uniqueness that are difficult to perceive without the purposeful use of image and photography.  This project opens new avenues of investigation by proposing an original combination of methods of visual research and spatial analysis, in order to change perceptions about contemporary dynamics of transformation of the public space, with the objective of collectively transforming the imaginary of the city to the metropolitan scale, contributing to the identification of opportunities for co-evolution between citizens, institutions and the urban environment. 

This international contest is thus part of a dynamic of research for the creation of a set of tools that aim to respond to the need to develop a deeper reading about processes of transformation of the city, through the universe of image, especially photography, supporting the communication of contents related to emerging dynamics of change in public spaces in articulation with historical spaces, museums and other cultural spaces of the AMP.

Theme and object of the contest

The VSC Portable Projector is an idea contest with the objective of motivating students of architecture, art, photography, multimedia and design, as well as artists and interdisciplinary treams, to develop an original concept for a portable projector to be used along the implementation phase of the VSC project.

Inserted in this broader context, this contest intends to reward original ideas for the creation of a set of mobile Portable Projector devices for the display of various analogic and digital contents. The Portable Projector device proposed by each candidate should be made up of a structure that is light and portable or that integrates locomotion mechanisms that enable easy transport and displacement from each installation and exhibition space.

The evaluation of the proposals will value the design of the Portable Projector structure, its mobility and flexibility of use and adaptation, the capacity to be used in exterior and interior spaces and the feasibility of the project, considering that the mobile projectors will be placed in several points of the AMP.

The portable projectors should be designed to provide various levels of interaction with the public, from the display of photographs, book, tablet and iphone - in order to be complementary devices to these various supports, thus responding to the following functional categories:

(a) To allow different levels of interaction with the public, allowing on the one hand the projection of images (fixed or moving) from the CPPs communicating the various spaces of the cities and territories of the selected MPA. On the other hand, allow individual interaction with a person from the audience, between representations of fixed images of the space of the VSNP and the real space;

(b) Allowing individual or book photographs with images of the cities and territories of the AMP and viewing these two-dimensional images in three dimensions (stereoscopy) to allow a kinesthetic experience that defies normal monocular vision;

(c) To allow the placement of ipad and iphone devices in the portable projector and to project to another scale in the space of the VSNP the contents of various visual narratives and CPP that will be accessible through an online VSC platform, as well as through augmented reality (4D).

Through these functional applications and uses of the portable projectors, these will allow the general public to visualize different aspects of selected spaces of the AMP with diverse supports, encouraging interaction with the represented spaces and a greater critical perception of the processes and dynamics of change in the territory under study.

Organization and responsibility of the international contest

This competition is open to all students in the areas of Architecture and Design, nationally and internationally, being possible and desirable the constitution of multi-displinars teams. Students / teams with winning proposals will have the opportunity to become directly involved with the VSC project, materializing their proposal with appropriate material and conceptual support.

The launching and organization of the competition is the responsibility of the research group Center for Communication and Spatial Representation (CCRE), integrated in the FAUP R & D center (CEAU), in collaboration with the CITYSCOPIO Cultural Association, being linked to the project Visual Spaces of Change (VSC).

The coordination of the competition is the responsibility of the consortium CCRE-CEAU / FAUP and Centro ALGORITMI-Lab2PT / UMINHO responsible for the application presented by U. Porto in the contest - Projects for Scientific Research and Technological Development (IC & DT) - http: //www.poci


The competition is open to all students of Architecture and Design, or to multidisciplinary teams in which one of these areas is present, nationally and internationally.

Each participation / proposal must fall at least, into one of the categories indicated in the section of this regulation "Subject and object of the competition": a), b), c) or may include more than one category simultaneously, according to the versatility of the proposed portable project.

Participation in the contest is individual or in groups up to 5 elements. It is encouraged that the composition of the groups to be interdisciplinary, provided that one element is a student in the areas of Architecture or Design.

Material to be delivered by each candidate:

- Poster, in A1 format, printed with the presentation of the proposal / concept. The graphic elements to be presented should be decided by each competitor and should give priority to expressive communication of the idea and its materialization.

- In case of being selected to execute the proposal, the competitor will have to deliver, within two weeks after announcement of the result, an A3 dossier with complementary plants, cuts, constructive details and descriptive memory. In case of not fulfilling this obligation, the organization reserves the right to disqualify it and to elect the proposal in second place to be fulfilled, passing through the same process.

- Any competitor may submit the complementary dossier to the proposal before the winner is announced, if it deems it necessary for a better understanding of the project. - CD with PDF of Poster A1 (resolution of 300dpi) and Dossier A3 (if applicable).

- Document in A4 format containing personal information about the competitor, including name of each element, telephone contact, email and Institution of Education.

Submission of the proposals

The works will be delivered by 6:00 pm on January 1, 2019, at the CEMR premises (at CEAU-FAUP) or by post. Any competitor may submit their tender before that date. At the time of delivery, participants will receive a receipt confirming receipt of the work.


The works will be evaluated by a jury composed of the following elements:

– Pedro Leão Neto (FAUP, coordinator of the VSC project);

- Luis Gonzaga  (UMINHO);

- José Barbedo  (Researcher / FAUP - CCRE-CEAU);

 - Invited researcher (FAUP - CCRE-CEAU);

 - Invited researcher (UMINHO) ;

- Invited researcher (UMINHO);

- Invited researcher (UMINHO) 

- (invited person(s) from outside VSC project)

In case of a tied vote, it is up to the VSC coordinator to resolve the final decision. The jury reserves the right not to award any of the prizes provided for in this Regulation if it considers that the submitted works do not meet the expected meritorious levels. The decisions of the jury are sovereign, not admitting appeal.


The prizes for the 3 winner (s) will be the inclusion of their study and credits in the VSC research project, being at least ensured the inclusion of one of the proposals for execution. The authors of this winning proposal will be contacted to deepen the project, with the support of CCRE-CEAU-FAUP, AAi2 Lab and Centro ALGORITMI-Lab2PT / UMINHO and other partners, in order to make feasible its construction.

Without prejudice to the prizes awarded to each of the winning proposals, a certificate of participation will be given to each contest team, as well as their entries will be made available on the platforms and networks of the CCRE group (websites, social networks, etc.).

Disclosure and publication of results

The result of the contest will be announced until 28 February 2019 on the contest website, social networks and internet platforms associated with the VSC project, namely:c and other public sites.

Ownership and permissions

Without prejudice to the respective copyright, the works submitted by the competitors will become the property of the organizing entities to which the publication and exhibition rights will be reserved.

CCRE reserves the right to disclose, within the scope of this competition, by the means it deems most convenient, the work submitted by its competitors, always referring to the authorship of the work.

The intellectual property of the works is reserved to the authors of the proposals.

General provisions

The act of presenting to the competition presupposes the full acceptance of the rules defined by this Regulation. Failure to comply with the rules makes it impossible to enter the competition. The organization does not accept any additional responsibilities other than those explained in this Regulation, directly or indirectly arising from this Contest.

More information:







U.Minho – Centro ALGORITMI – Lab2PT

Deadline for submitting applications: January 31st, 2019.


This contest encourages students of architecture, artists and multidisciplinary teams to come up with an original idea for the creation of a mobile structure designed for the exhibition of Contemporary Photography Projects within the research project VISUAL SPACES OF CHANGE (VSC).

VSC is the first stage of an Architecture, Art, Image and Innovation (AAI2) project about emerging dynamics of change in the Metropolitan Area of Porto (AMP). Contemporary Photography Projects (CPP) will be developed and implemented in specific places, conceived as "visual narratives" that intentionally interfere with the metropolitan territory in an exercise of self-reflexive representation of its own process of urban change. This network of public and collective spaces will constitute an "Open Museum" in the AMP, stimulating artistic and cultural institutions to broaden their reach and participation in the public space.

The territory under study in this project is used simultaneously as the laboratory for empirical experimentation and the stage of visual representation of the agents and processes of urban change that are intended to be analysed. This project will produce visual syntheses of these dynamics, in order to give visibility to specific aspects of their interconnected nature and historical uniqueness that are difficult to perceive without the purposeful use of image and photography.  This project opens new avenues of investigation by proposing an original combination of methods of visual research and spatial analysis, in order to change perceptions about contemporary dynamics of transformation of the public space, with the objective of collectively transforming the imaginary of the city to the metropolitan scale, contributing to the identification of opportunities for co-evolution between citizens, institutions and the urban environment.

This international contest is thus part of a dynamic of research for the creation of a set of tools that aim to respond to the need to develop a deeper reading about processes of transformation of the city, through the universe of image, especially photography, supporting the communication of contents related to emerging dynamics of change in the public space of AMP in articulation with identity and historical spaces as well as museums and other cultural spaces.

Theme and object of the contest

The VSC Mobile Exhibition Structure is an idea contest with the objective of motivating students of architecture, art, photography, multimedia and design, as well as artists and interdisciplinary treams, to develop an original concept for an exhibition structure to be used along the implementation phase of the VSC project.

Inserted in this broader context of research, this contest intends to reward original ideas for the creation of a mobile structure for the exhibition of photographic projects.

The structures to be proposed by each candidate should be light and portable, possible to use with different lengths – modular system -, or and may integrate locomotion mechanisms that enable easy transport and displacement from each installation and exhibition space.

The evaluation of the proposals will value the design of the structure, its mobility and flexibility of use and adaptation, the capacity to be used in exterior and interior spaces, the possibility to use with different lengths – modular system - and the feasibility of the project, considering that the exhibition structures will be placed in several points of the AMP.

The exhibition structures should be designed to provide various levels of interaction with the public, allowing the exhibition of images in various supports for the visualization of different aspects of the selected spaces with diverse media of representation, favouring a greater critical perception of the processes and dynamics of change in the territory under study.

Organization and responsibility of the international contest 

This competition is open to all students in the areas of Architecture and Design, nationally and internationally, being possible and desirable the constitution of multi-displinars teams. Students / teams with winning proposals will have the opportunity to become directly involved with the VSC project, materializing their proposal with appropriate material and conceptual support.

The launching and organization of the competition is the responsibility of the research group Center for Communication and Spatial Representation (CCRE), integrated in the FAUP R & D center (CEAU), in collaboration with the CITYSCOPIO Cultural Association, being linked to the project Visual Spaces of Change (VSC).

The coordination of the competition is the responsibility of the consortium CCRE-CEAU / FAUP and Centro ALGORITMI-Lab2PT / UMINHO responsible for the application presented by U. Porto in the contest - Projects for Scientific Research and Technological Development (IC & DT) - http: //www.poci


The competition is open to all students of Architecture and Design, or to multidisciplinary teams in which one of these areas is present, nationally and internationally.

Participation in the contest is individual or in groups up to 5 elements. It is encouraged that the composition of the groups to be interdisciplinary, provided that one element is a student in the areas of Architecture or Design.

Material to be delivered by each candidate

- Poster, in A1 format, printed with the presentation of the proposal / concept. The graphic elements to be presented should be decided by each competitor and should give priority to expressive communication of the idea and its materialization.

- In case of being selected to execute the proposal, the competitor will have to deliver, within two weeks after announcement of the result, an A3 dossier with complementary plants, cuts, constructive details and descriptive memory. In case of not fulfilling this obligation, the organization reserves the right to disqualify it and to elect the proposal in second place to be fulfilled, passing through the same process.

- Any competitor may submit the complementary dossier to the proposal before the winner is announced, if it deems it necessary for a better understanding of the project.

- CD with PDF of Poster A1 (resolution of 300dpi) and Dossier A3 (if applicable).

- Document in A4 format containing personal information about the competitor, including name of each element, telephone contact, email and Institution of Education.

Submission of the proposals

The works will be delivered by 6:00 pm on January 1, 2019, at the CEMR premises (at CEAU-FAUP) or by post. Any competitor may submit their tender before that date. At the time of delivery, participants will receive a receipt confirming receipt of the work.


The works will be evaluated by a jury composed of the following elements:

– Pedro Leão Neto (FAUP, coordinator of the VSC project);

- Luis Gonzaga  (UMINHO);

- José Barbedo  (Researcher / FAUP - CCRE-CEAU);

 - Invited researcher (FAUP - CCRE-CEAU);

 - Invited researcher (UMINHO) ;

- Invited researcher (UMINHO);

- Invited researcher (UMINHO) 

- (invited person(s) from outside VSC project)

In case of a tied vote, it is up to the VSC coordinator to resolve the final decision. The jury reserves the right not to award any of the prizes provided for in this Regulation if it considers that the submitted works do not meet the expected meritorious levels. The decisions of the jury are sovereign, not admitting appeal.


The prizes for the 3 winner (s) will be the inclusion of their study and credits in the VSC research project, being at least ensured the inclusion of one of the proposals for execution. The authors of this winning proposal will be contacted to deepen the project, with the support of CCRE-CEAU-FAUP, AAi2 Lab and Centro ALGORITMI-Lab2PT / UMINHO and other partners, in order to make feasible its construction.

Without prejudice to the prizes awarded to each of the winning proposals, a certificate of participation will be given to each contest team, as well as their entries will be made available on the platforms and networks of the CCRE group (websites, social networks, etc.).

Disclosure and publication of results

The result of the contest will be announced until 28 February 2019 on the contest website, social networks and internet platforms associated with the VSC project, namely:c and other public sites.

Ownership and permissions

Without prejudice to the respective copyright, the works submitted by the competitors will become the property of the organizing entities to which the publication and exhibition rights will be reserved.

CCRE reserves the right to disclose, within the scope of this competition, by the means it deems most convenient, the work submitted by its competitors, always referring to the authorship of the work.

The intellectual property of the works is reserved to the authors of the proposals.

General provisions

The act of presenting to the competition presupposes the full acceptance of the rules defined by this Regulation. Failure to comply with the rules makes it impossible to enter the competition. The organization does not accept any additional responsibilities other than those explained in this Regulation, directly or indirectly arising from this Contest.

Learn more about this exciting challenge at and

more informations:





De 1 a 3 de novembro a SCOPIO estará presente no ZINEFESTPT que decorrerá na Livraria Mundo Fantasma e no Mira Fórum no Porto.

No dia 2, às 21h30, a SCOPIO terá a apresentação de SCOPIO plataforma e dos Projetos "Asprela" e "Topografias a Norte", com a presença dos autores Sérgio Rolando, Hélder Sousa e Marta Ferreira.


O “ZineFestPt” propõe uma série de atividades que tragam à vista de todos o universo zine, da micro-edição, da auto-edição, da publicação independente e da cultura alternativa associadas aos livros, à arte postal, e sobretudo aos fanzines! Queremos dar uma ideia do panorama artístico contemporâneo nesta área, com exposições relativas a edições independentes, ilustração, BD, fotografia, bancas de compras/trocas e vendas e abertura de portas à experimentação em actividades criativas “do it yourself” (DIY), desde a simples dobragem para montar um livro manual a diversas técnicas de impressão.


A apresentação da scopio Editions tem como objectivo constituir um forum de debate em volta dos desafios, das oportunidade e das propostas para o futuro que o livro físico e a “escrita independente” na forma de fotolivro e publicações alternativas potencia ao permitir uma leitura e interpretação optativa da cidade contemporânea e das suas transformações. 
Este encontro constitui uma oportunidade para (i) confrontar estratégias  e ideias editoriais e neste sentido permitir um enriquecimento e partilha de experiências e (ii) divulgar as atividade de cada uma das publicações para um público exterior.
A apresentação estará a cargo do coordenador da scopio Editions Pedro Leão Neto e contará com a participação de diversos autores já publicados pela scopio como Hélder Sousa, Marta Ferreira e Sérgio Rolando e irá promover um debate em volta da temática da cidade contemporânea e das suas transformações.





[Non Periodical Publication]

Documentary and Contemporary Photography: Architecture, City and Territory

About this book:

7 Ofícios

non-periodical publication

Author: Venceslau, Ruben
Date of publication: 2014
Place of publication: Porto
Publisher: Self-published

Number of pages: 33
Size: 20 x 15,5 cm
Illustrated: Photography, text
Number of copies: 1
Institution: FAUP/CCRE
Language: Portuguese
Key-words: Photography; City; Author's book
Notes: Photobook made in the course of Communication Photography and Multimedia, from the Integrated Master in Architecture of FAUP; soft cover with envelope format with foldaway photographies
Book Reference: A1.nPaP.1048

'7 Ofícios' aims to be a work that portrays the space and activity of those who still work the handcraft, whose stores and warehouses are still opened. Increasingly they have been loosing the strenght, employers and apprentices that want to continue with the art of 'doing everything'.
The individual work proposed by the course of Communication, Photography and Multimedia consisted in giving the student total freedom to choose both the theme, the place and the layout. Having these elements in consideration, I chose to perform a sub-theme of the previous group work, "Sombras do Quotidiano", and somehow develop a communicative language of the same context, where I intend to, at the same place, Cais de Gaia, show the stores and warehouses that still resist in the tourism's daily life, which is one of the great economic cores of that place, and try to survive and continue to give life to the art of the seven crafts, where the stores sell a bit of everything, being opened to those who still live in that premisses.
As a method of work, I considered to capture the ambience of the workplace and somehow the visual effect of the agglomeration of objects and materials that these stores end up to create and gather in space, giving it a characteristic of their own. Many of these businesses acquire used or damaged material and later they fix and re-sell it, sometimes creating new elements from those."

Ruben Venceslau

About this archive:

The creation of Cityzines collection intends to strengthen and promote the study and dissemination of author’s editions and other publications linked to the theme of architecture, city and territory, where the image and photography are present in a significant way, with a special interest and focus on the multifaceted richness of urban, architectural and visual culture that characterizes the urban agglomerations and their experiences.
This collection started with a survey more focused on the Portuguese context, but also integrates publications from other countries with a view to internationalization of the project.
The publications that will constitute this collection of the Cityzines project will be cataloged from the following general theme:

Artistic and Documentary Photography: Architecture, City and Territory

It was decided to start this collection by topic A1 - Artistic Photography and Documentary: Architecture, City and Territory, for reasons connected with only two facts: first there is at this time, a greater number of alternative publications pertaining to this topic, according by the fact that they had already been there longer subject specific study through the work of the research line City spaces and Culture of the CCRE group.

As we will see next, we have adopted a sub-theme structure in order to organize the field of alternative publications, covering several areas and formats, as previously described in the general theme of Documentary and Artistic Photography: Architecture, City and Territory. Even though all sub-themes show differences between them, they all fit the general theme and they have in common the focus and the importance given to image/photography, as well as the innovative and/or irreverent stance.

Artistic and Documentary Photography: Architecture, City and Territory

Periodical Author’s editions and other publications (A1.PaP)
- In general terms, periodical publications that reflect and investigate, through the image and /or photography, and in a critical, exploratory and innovative way, the themes of architecture, city and territory;
- fanzines, little magazines on photography: independent non mainstream publications where photography is used as the main visual instrument to perceive, understand and analyze architecture and how people live and appropriate diverse places;

- counterculture or non-mainstream publications focused on social and documentary or contemporary photography and related issues;
Non-periodical Author’s editions and other publications (A1.nPaP)
- In general terms, periodical publications that reflect and investigate, through the image and /or photography, and in a critical, exploratory and innovative way, the themes of architecture, city and territory;

- photo-books or/and artist books specifically more related to the universe of architecture: independent non mainstream publications where photography is used as the main visual instrument to perceive, understand and analyze architecture and how people live and appropriate diverse places;

- photo-books or /and artist books more related with documentary photography.

With this collection we intend to promote awareness and reflection upon art and documentary photography in regard to its conception as a tool to question Architecture, City and Territory. This means understanding Architecture as a broad subject and practice interested in, on the one hand, the real space and its experiences, exploring new spatial forms and architectural codes and, on the other hand, in how architecture operates within larger systems: sociocultural, technical, and historical systems.

The physical collection will focus on Portuguese printed objects only and it will work as a showcase travelling across several places in Portugal and abroad. This catalogue of Author’s editions and other publications will suport its dissemination, being also an important international tool to locate relevant and independent non-mainstream publications related to Artistic Photography and Documentary: Architecture, City and Territory.





[Non Periodical Publication]

Documentary and Contemporary Photography: Architecture, City and Territory

About this book:

Uma janela urbana - focos transitórios

non-periodical publication

Author: C. Carvalho, Daniel
Date of publication: 2015
Place of publication: Porto
Publisher: self publisher

Number of pages: 38
Size: 14,7x21 cm
Illustrated: Image, Text
Number of copies: -
Institution: FAUP/CCRE
Language: Portuguese
Key-words: Photography, Architecture
Notes: Artistic book; Photobook made in the course of Communication, Photography and Multimedia, from the Integrated Master in Architecture of FAUP;
Book Reference: A1.nPaP.1138

"The window captures the moments of the city in a more passive way, observing and revealing the many realities that are presented to it. This window, inserted in the middle of a urbanization, squares the different physicalities that make it, the mutations that occur each second and the light differences. But always inserted in two worlds: a first that is more global and it rests the idea of infinity, of time's fast speed, where the space continuously transforms itself; and the second one, almost static, that fixes in a image, in a situation or event, and quickly fades away."

About this archive:

The creation of Cityzines collection intends to strengthen and promote the study and dissemination of author’s editions and other publications linked to the theme of architecture, city and territory, where the image and photography are present in a significant way, with a special interest and focus on the multifaceted richness of urban, architectural and visual culture that characterizes the urban agglomerations and their experiences.
This collection started with a survey more focused on the Portuguese context, but also integrates publications from other countries with a view to internationalization of the project.
The publications that will constitute this collection of the Cityzines project will be cataloged from the following general theme:

Artistic and Documentary Photography: Architecture, City and Territory

It was decided to start this collection by topic A1 - Artistic Photography and Documentary: Architecture, City and Territory, for reasons connected with only two facts: first there is at this time, a greater number of alternative publications pertaining to this topic, according by the fact that they had already been there longer subject specific study through the work of the research line City spaces and Culture of the CCRE group.

As we will see next, we have adopted a sub-theme structure in order to organize the field of alternative publications, covering several areas and formats, as previously described in the general theme of Documentary and Artistic Photography: Architecture, City and Territory. Even though all sub-themes show differences between them, they all fit the general theme and they have in common the focus and the importance given to image/photography, as well as the innovative and/or irreverent stance.

Artistic and Documentary Photography: Architecture, City and Territory

Periodical Author’s editions and other publications (A1.PaP)
- In general terms, periodical publications that reflect and investigate, through the image and /or photography, and in a critical, exploratory and innovative way, the themes of architecture, city and territory;
- fanzines, little magazines on photography: independent non mainstream publications where photography is used as the main visual instrument to perceive, understand and analyze architecture and how people live and appropriate diverse places;

- counterculture or non-mainstream publications focused on social and documentary or contemporary photography and related issues;
Non-periodical Author’s editions and other publications (A1.nPaP)
- In general terms, periodical publications that reflect and investigate, through the image and /or photography, and in a critical, exploratory and innovative way, the themes of architecture, city and territory;

- photo-books or/and artist books specifically more related to the universe of architecture: independent non mainstream publications where photography is used as the main visual instrument to perceive, understand and analyze architecture and how people live and appropriate diverse places;

- photo-books or /and artist books more related with documentary photography.

With this collection we intend to promote awareness and reflection upon art and documentary photography in regard to its conception as a tool to question Architecture, City and Territory. This means understanding Architecture as a broad subject and practice interested in, on the one hand, the real space and its experiences, exploring new spatial forms and architectural codes and, on the other hand, in how architecture operates within larger systems: sociocultural, technical, and historical systems.

The physical collection will focus on Portuguese printed objects only and it will work as a showcase travelling across several places in Portugal and abroad. This catalogue of Author’s editions and other publications will suport its dissemination, being also an important international tool to locate relevant and independent non-mainstream publications related to Artistic Photography and Documentary: Architecture, City and Territory.





[Non Periodical Publication]

Documentary and Contemporary Photography: Architecture, City and Territory

About this book:

Um olhar sobre o Jardim Botânico

non-periodical publication

Author: Serlupi Crescenzi, Silvia
Date of publication: 2015
Place of publication: Porto
Publisher: self publisher

Number of pages: 24
Size: 20,6x14,7 cm
Illustrated: Image, Text
Number of copies: -
Institution: FAUP/CCRE
Language: Portuguese
Key-words: Photography, Architecture
Notes: Artistic book; Photobook made in the course of Communication, Photography and Multimedia, from the Integrated Master in Architecture of FAUP
Book Reference: A1.nPaP.1162

Without info.

About this archive:

The creation of Cityzines collection intends to strengthen and promote the study and dissemination of author’s editions and other publications linked to the theme of architecture, city and territory, where the image and photography are present in a significant way, with a special interest and focus on the multifaceted richness of urban, architectural and visual culture that characterizes the urban agglomerations and their experiences.
This collection started with a survey more focused on the Portuguese context, but also integrates publications from other countries with a view to internationalization of the project.
The publications that will constitute this collection of the Cityzines project will be cataloged from the following general theme:

Artistic and Documentary Photography: Architecture, City and Territory

It was decided to start this collection by topic A1 - Artistic Photography and Documentary: Architecture, City and Territory, for reasons connected with only two facts: first there is at this time, a greater number of alternative publications pertaining to this topic, according by the fact that they had already been there longer subject specific study through the work of the research line City spaces and Culture of the CCRE group.

As we will see next, we have adopted a sub-theme structure in order to organize the field of alternative publications, covering several areas and formats, as previously described in the general theme of Documentary and Artistic Photography: Architecture, City and Territory. Even though all sub-themes show differences between them, they all fit the general theme and they have in common the focus and the importance given to image/photography, as well as the innovative and/or irreverent stance.

Artistic and Documentary Photography: Architecture, City and Territory

Periodical Author’s editions and other publications (A1.PaP)
- In general terms, periodical publications that reflect and investigate, through the image and /or photography, and in a critical, exploratory and innovative way, the themes of architecture, city and territory;
- fanzines, little magazines on photography: independent non mainstream publications where photography is used as the main visual instrument to perceive, understand and analyze architecture and how people live and appropriate diverse places;

- counterculture or non-mainstream publications focused on social and documentary or contemporary photography and related issues;
Non-periodical Author’s editions and other publications (A1.nPaP)
- In general terms, periodical publications that reflect and investigate, through the image and /or photography, and in a critical, exploratory and innovative way, the themes of architecture, city and territory;

- photo-books or/and artist books specifically more related to the universe of architecture: independent non mainstream publications where photography is used as the main visual instrument to perceive, understand and analyze architecture and how people live and appropriate diverse places;

- photo-books or /and artist books more related with documentary photography.

With this collection we intend to promote awareness and reflection upon art and documentary photography in regard to its conception as a tool to question Architecture, City and Territory. This means understanding Architecture as a broad subject and practice interested in, on the one hand, the real space and its experiences, exploring new spatial forms and architectural codes and, on the other hand, in how architecture operates within larger systems: sociocultural, technical, and historical systems.

The physical collection will focus on Portuguese printed objects only and it will work as a showcase travelling across several places in Portugal and abroad. This catalogue of Author’s editions and other publications will suport its dissemination, being also an important international tool to locate relevant and independent non-mainstream publications related to Artistic Photography and Documentary: Architecture, City and Territory.





[Non-Periodical Publication]

Documentary and Contemporary Photography: Architecture, City and Territory

About this book:

Vom Kampfgeist der Photographie + Ghost/Warrior

non-periodical publication

Author: Arnold, Florian; Steffens, Jochsa
Date of publication: 2014
Place of publication: Cologne
Publisher: Self-publisher

Number of pages: 66+34
Size: 28x21 cm
Illustrated: Image, Text
Number of copies: 500
Institution: -
Language: German
Key-words: -
Notes: With an artist's photobook in magazine format, with images and texts; booklet in paper;
ISBN: 978-3-942154-31-4
Book Reference: A1.nPaP.1096

“The photographs by Joscha Steffens are no conventional war photographs: they show a game with the game of war, as it occurs on a weekly basis in some out-of-the-way homestead in the Federal Republic.
The photographed warriors are career soldiers or wannabe career soldiers, gathering on weekends for "softair" battles in order to take a digital death, increasingly alienated from them, seriously again in a playful way. The reality of our present-day wars has itself long since transitioned into a war simulation, in which computer freaks stand their ground as today's heroes. By re-simulating the simulative reality of war in analogue war games, these "nerds" express an existential plight, a lack and a need: they have unlearned dying - although, symbolically, they are already dead, the realness of death has been lost to them. They range between these two deaths. They are "Ghostwarriors"."

About this archive:

The creation of Cityzines collection intends to strengthen and promote the study and dissemination of author’s editions and other publications linked to the theme of architecture, city and territory, where the image and photography are present in a significant way, with a special interest and focus on the multifaceted richness of urban, architectural and visual culture that characterizes the urban agglomerations and their experiences.
This collection started with a survey more focused on the Portuguese context, but also integrates publications from other countries with a view to internationalization of the project.
The publications that will constitute this collection of the Cityzines project will be cataloged from the following general theme:

Artistic and Documentary Photography: Architecture, City and Territory

It was decided to start this collection by topic A1 - Artistic Photography and Documentary: Architecture, City and Territory, for reasons connected with only two facts: first there is at this time, a greater number of alternative publications pertaining to this topic, according by the fact that they had already been there longer subject specific study through the work of the research line City spaces and Culture of the CCRE group.

As we will see next, we have adopted a sub-theme structure in order to organize the field of alternative publications, covering several areas and formats, as previously described in the general theme of Documentary and Artistic Photography: Architecture, City and Territory. Even though all sub-themes show differences between them, they all fit the general theme and they have in common the focus and the importance given to image/photography, as well as the innovative and/or irreverent stance.

Artistic and Documentary Photography: Architecture, City and Territory

Periodical Author’s editions and other publications (A1.PaP)
- In general terms, periodical publications that reflect and investigate, through the image and /or photography, and in a critical, exploratory and innovative way, the themes of architecture, city and territory;
- fanzines, little magazines on photography: independent non mainstream publications where photography is used as the main visual instrument to perceive, understand and analyze architecture and how people live and appropriate diverse places;

- counterculture or non-mainstream publications focused on social and documentary or contemporary photography and related issues;
Non-periodical Author’s editions and other publications (A1.nPaP)
- In general terms, periodical publications that reflect and investigate, through the image and /or photography, and in a critical, exploratory and innovative way, the themes of architecture, city and territory;

- photo-books or/and artist books specifically more related to the universe of architecture: independent non mainstream publications where photography is used as the main visual instrument to perceive, understand and analyze architecture and how people live and appropriate diverse places;

- photo-books or /and artist books more related with documentary photography.

With this collection we intend to promote awareness and reflection upon art and documentary photography in regard to its conception as a tool to question Architecture, City and Territory. This means understanding Architecture as a broad subject and practice interested in, on the one hand, the real space and its experiences, exploring new spatial forms and architectural codes and, on the other hand, in how architecture operates within larger systems: sociocultural, technical, and historical systems.

The physical collection will focus on Portuguese printed objects only and it will work as a showcase travelling across several places in Portugal and abroad. This catalogue of Author’s editions and other publications will suport its dissemination, being also an important international tool to locate relevant and independent non-mainstream publications related to Artistic Photography and Documentary: Architecture, City and Territory.




[Non-Periodical Publication]

Fotografia Documental e Artística: Arquitectura, Cidade e Território

Sobre este Livro

The Trip

publicação não-periódica

Autor: Soares, José Manuel

Data de publicação: 2009
Local de publicação: Porto

Editor: Edições Portáteis

Número de páginas: 62

Dimensões: 12 x 12 cm

Ilustrado: Fotografia, texto
Tiragem: 500

Instituição: -

Idioma: Inglês, português

Palavras-Chave: Fotolivro; não periódico
Notas: Fotografias do autor, texto e três desenhos de Benedita Kendall
ISBN 978-972-96037-6-1
Cota: A1.nPaP.1015

"Quando viajamos percorremos o mundo, ou o mundo é que nos percorre a nós?
Passar pela experiência de uma viagem é predispor-se a vivenciar o mundo de outra forma. Percorrer lugares com um olhar atento, sem vícios, livre do ritmo a que nos impomos.
Nas viagens formatamos marcas de memórias e de situações. Somos inconscientemente condicionados a registar momentos através de imagens, de sensações e de percepções que não controlamos. Deixamo-nos levar pelo momento, pela importância daquela luz, pelo registo de tonalidades, pelo contorno daquele rosto a sobressair num fundo, pela expressão do porteiro do hotel, pelos rostos dos utentes do metro que despreocupadamente passa e nos olham de soslaio.
Viajar é cumprir rupturas com o quotidiano. Não me refiro apenas à pausa entre os dias de trabalho, mas à ruptura que vem provocar em nós mesmos, com as vivências anteriores, através do que acrescentamos com a viagem. Não é por acaso que as peregrinações religiosas correspondem a uma viagem, uma viagem física e imaterial, pois todas as viagens encerram as duas experiências.
Por isso a viagem representa um tão forte argumento para a criação artística. São célebres os registos de viagens dos artistas, pois todas as viagens servem o pretexto de interiorizarmos a realidade, de aprender, de intervir na nossa vida com liberdade, com disponibilidade, deixando-nos percorrer pelo mundo."

Benedita Kendall
Maio de 2009

Sobre este arquivo:

A criação da colecção Cityzines pretende fortalecer e promover a divulgação e estudo de edições de autor e outras publicações ligadas à temática de arquitectura, cidade e território, onde a imagem e a fotografia estão presentes de forma significativa, existindo um especial interesse e enfoque sobre a riqueza multifacetada da cultura urbana, arquitectónica e visual que caracteriza os aglomerados urbanos e as suas vivências.
A colecção iniciou com um levantamento mais focalizado no contexto português, mas também  integra publicações de outros países com vista à internacionalização do projecto.
As publicações que vão constituir esta colecção do projecto Cityzines serão catalogadas a partir do seguinte tema geral:
Fotografia Documental e Artística: Arquitectura, Cidade e Território
Decidiu-se iniciar esta colecção pelo tema Fotografia Documental e Artística: Arquitectura, Cidade e Território, por razões que se prendem apenas com dois factores: primeiro o de existir, neste momento, um maior número de publicações alternativas associados a este tema, segundo, por estas terem sido há mais tempo objecto de estudo específico do trabalho desenvolvido pela linha de investigação Espaços de Cidade e Cultura do grupo CCRE.
Como veremos de seguida, adoptámos uma estrutura de sub-categorias de forma a organizar o campo das publicações, cobrindo diversas áreas e formatos. Ainda que algumas sub-categorias apresentem diferenças entre si, todos eles encaixam no tema geral e têm em comum a importância e foco na imagem/fotografia, assim como um carácter de investigação e/ou a postura inovadora.
Fotografia Documental e Artística: Arquitectura, Cidade e Território

Edições de Autor e outras Publicações periódicas (A1.PaP)

- em termos gerais, publicações periódicas que reflectem e investigam, através da imagem e/ou fotografia, e de forma critica, exploratória e inovadora as temáticas da arquitectura, cidade e território;
- Fanzines, little magazines de fotografia: publicações independentes e não-tradicionais onde a fotografia é particularmente usada como o principal instrumento visual e meio para perceber, compreender e analisar não só a arquitetura mas também o modo como as pessoas vivem e se apropriam de diversos lugares; 

- publicações periódicas de contracultura ou não-tradicionais dedicadas à fotografia social e documental ou contemporânea e outras publicações relacionadas.
Edições de Autor e outras Publicações não periódicas (A1.nPaP)
- em termos gerais, publicações que reflectem e investigam ,através da imagem e / ou fotografia, e de forma critica, exploratória e inovadora as temáticas da arquitectura, cidade e território;
- foto-livros e/ou livros de artista especificamente relacionados com o universo da arquitectura: publicações independentes e não-tradicionais onde a fotografia é particularmente usada como o principal instrumento visual e meio para perceber, compreender e analisar não só a arquitetura mas também o modo como as pessoas vivem e se apropriam de diversos lugares;
- foto-livros ou/e livros de artista mais relacionados com fotografia documental.
Pretendemos, com esta colecção, promover a consciencialização e a reflexão sobre a arte e a fotografia documental, relativamente à sua concepção como instrumento para questionar o universo da Arquitectura, da Cidade e do Território. Isto significa entender a Arquitectura como uma disciplina e uma prática extensivas, com interesse, por um lado, pelo espaço real e suas experiências, explorando novas formas espaciais e códigos arquitectónicos e, por outro, pelo modo como a arquitectura opera no âmbito de sistemas mais vastos: socio-culturais, técnicos e históricos.
A colecção física debruçar-se-á predominantemente sobre objectos impressos portugueses, mas também integra publicações de outros países e constituirá uma mostra/ exposição que irá viajar por vários locais, em Portugal e no estrangeiro. Este catálogo de Edições de Autor e outras Publicações apoiará a divulgação do universo destas publicações, funcionando também como uma referência para localizar publicações com carácter de investigação/estudo e/ou não-tradicionais relevantes e independentes relacionadas com a Fotografia Documental e Artística: Arquitectura, Cidade e Território.





[Non-Periodical Publication]

Documentary and Contemporary Photography: Architecture, City and Territory

About this book:

The Passenger

non-periodical publication

Author: Cera, Nuno
Date of publication: 2011
Place of publication: Lisbon
Publisher: -

Number of pages: 24
Size: 23,5 x 17 cm
Illustrated: Photography, text
Number of copies: 500
Institution: -
Language: English, portuguese
Key-words: Photobook; non-periodical
Notes: Digital amplification test (Case Lightjet Lambda) Diasec method with text by António Guerreiro
ISBN 978-989-97539-0-7
Book Reference: A1.nPaP.1017

"(...) The Greek prefix 'meta' is, furthermore, in keeping with the title of the series: O Passageiro [The Passenger]. What the title evokes is the semantic field of passage, of movement from one place to another, of crossing a boundary. The notion of metaphor (it is important to underline why these photographs lead us to think of metaphorical operations), has just this sense of being transported to another place. Equivalence and semantic passage, however, are not quite the key to grasping this second - or 'meta' - level referred to. Instead, we need to see these photographs as 'revelations' (the world belongs both to realm of theology and the technical vocabulary of photography) of the very devices of photography.
(...) The absent figure of the passenger - evoked only by the title of the series - does not have a route mapped from shade to light or from light to shade. The route goes in both directions; its law is reversibility. Yet, from one extreme to another, from totally black shadow to dazzling light, and vice-versa, the path is neither linear or progressive. What Nuno Cera wished to photograph were the thresholds, the well-defined borders, the zones of abrupt passage the discontinuities."

António Guerreiro

About this archive:

The creation of Cityzines collection intends to strengthen and promote the study and dissemination of author’s editions and other publications linked to the theme of architecture, city and territory, where the image and photography are present in a significant way, with a special interest and focus on the multifaceted richness of urban, architectural and visual culture that characterizes the urban agglomerations and their experiences.
This collection started with a survey more focused on the Portuguese context, but also integrates publications from other countries with a view to internationalization of the project.
The publications that will constitute this collection of the Cityzines project will be cataloged from the following general theme:

Artistic and Documentary Photography: Architecture, City and Territory

It was decided to start this collection by topic A1 - Artistic Photography and Documentary: Architecture, City and Territory, for reasons connected with only two facts: first there is at this time, a greater number of alternative publications pertaining to this topic, according by the fact that they had already been there longer subject specific study through the work of the research line City spaces and Culture of the CCRE group.

As we will see next, we have adopted a sub-theme structure in order to organize the field of alternative publications, covering several areas and formats, as previously described in the general theme of Documentary and Artistic Photography: Architecture, City and Territory. Even though all sub-themes show differences between them, they all fit the general theme and they have in common the focus and the importance given to image/photography, as well as the innovative and/or irreverent stance.

Artistic and Documentary Photography: Architecture, City and Territory

Periodical Author’s editions and other publications (A1.PaP)
- In general terms, periodical publications that reflect and investigate, through the image and /or photography, and in a critical, exploratory and innovative way, the themes of architecture, city and territory;
- fanzines, little magazines on photography: independent non mainstream publications where photography is used as the main visual instrument to perceive, understand and analyze architecture and how people live and appropriate diverse places;

- counterculture or non-mainstream publications focused on social and documentary or contemporary photography and related issues;
Non-periodical Author’s editions and other publications (A1.nPaP)
- In general terms, periodical publications that reflect and investigate, through the image and /or photography, and in a critical, exploratory and innovative way, the themes of architecture, city and territory;

- photo-books or/and artist books specifically more related to the universe of architecture: independent non mainstream publications where photography is used as the main visual instrument to perceive, understand and analyze architecture and how people live and appropriate diverse places;

- photo-books or /and artist books more related with documentary photography.

With this collection we intend to promote awareness and reflection upon art and documentary photography in regard to its conception as a tool to question Architecture, City and Territory. This means understanding Architecture as a broad subject and practice interested in, on the one hand, the real space and its experiences, exploring new spatial forms and architectural codes and, on the other hand, in how architecture operates within larger systems: sociocultural, technical, and historical systems.

The physical collection will focus on Portuguese printed objects only and it will work as a showcase travelling across several places in Portugal and abroad. This catalogue of Author’s editions and other publications will suport its dissemination, being also an important international tool to locate relevant and independent non-mainstream publications related to Artistic Photography and Documentary: Architecture, City and Territory.





[Non-Periodical Publication]

About this book:

The Glass Cube

non-periodical publication

Author: Chelioudaki Vardi, Aikaterini
Date of publication: 2014
Place of publication: Porto
Publisher: self publisher

Number of pages: 48
Size: 15x15 cm
Illustrated: Image, Text
Number of copies: -
Institution: FAUP/CCRE
Language: Engllish
Key-words: Architecture
Notes: Artistic book; Photobook made in the course of CAAD (Computer Assisted Architecture Drawing), from the Integrated Master in Architecture of FAUP;
Book Reference: A1.nPaP.1130

"The tree-cube-glass house is a cubic module made of glass, applied around the branch of the tree as a treehouse. It is a space of study so the place of installation is important for its character. Its connection with the surrounded space is easy because its simplicity of form and because of its direct connection with a solid natural element, the tree."

Aikaterini Chelioudaki Vardi

About this archive:

The creation of Cityzines collection intends to strengthen and promote the study and dissemination of author’s editions and other publications linked to the theme of architecture, city and territory, where the image and photography are present in a significant way, with a special interest and focus on the multifaceted richness of urban, architectural and visual culture that characterizes the urban agglomerations and their experiences.
This collection started with a survey more focused on the Portuguese context, but also integrates publications from other countries with a view to internationalization of the project.
The publications that will constitute this collection of the Cityzines project will be cataloged from the following general theme:

Artistic and Documentary Photography: Architecture, City and Territory

It was decided to start this collection by topic A1 - Artistic Photography and Documentary: Architecture, City and Territory, for reasons connected with only two facts: first there is at this time, a greater number of alternative publications pertaining to this topic, according by the fact that they had already been there longer subject specific study through the work of the research line City spaces and Culture of the CCRE group.

As we will see next, we have adopted a sub-theme structure in order to organize the field of alternative publications, covering several areas and formats, as previously described in the general theme of Documentary and Artistic Photography: Architecture, City and Territory. Even though all sub-themes show differences between them, they all fit the general theme and they have in common the focus and the importance given to image/photography, as well as the innovative and/or irreverent stance.

Artistic and Documentary Photography: Architecture, City and Territory

Periodical Author’s editions and other publications (A1.PaP)
- In general terms, periodical publications that reflect and investigate, through the image and /or photography, and in a critical, exploratory and innovative way, the themes of architecture, city and territory;
- fanzines, little magazines on photography: independent non mainstream publications where photography is used as the main visual instrument to perceive, understand and analyze architecture and how people live and appropriate diverse places;

- counterculture or non-mainstream publications focused on social and documentary or contemporary photography and related issues;
Non-periodical Author’s editions and other publications (A1.nPaP)
- In general terms, periodical publications that reflect and investigate, through the image and /or photography, and in a critical, exploratory and innovative way, the themes of architecture, city and territory;

- photo-books or/and artist books specifically more related to the universe of architecture: independent non mainstream publications where photography is used as the main visual instrument to perceive, understand and analyze architecture and how people live and appropriate diverse places;

- photo-books or /and artist books more related with documentary photography.

With this collection we intend to promote awareness and reflection upon art and documentary photography in regard to its conception as a tool to question Architecture, City and Territory. This means understanding Architecture as a broad subject and practice interested in, on the one hand, the real space and its experiences, exploring new spatial forms and architectural codes and, on the other hand, in how architecture operates within larger systems: sociocultural, technical, and historical systems.

The physical collection will focus on Portuguese printed objects only and it will work as a showcase travelling across several places in Portugal and abroad. This catalogue of Author’s editions and other publications will suport its dissemination, being also an important international tool to locate relevant and independent non-mainstream publications related to Artistic Photography and Documentary: Architecture, City and Territory.





[Non-Periodical Publication]

Documentary and Contemporary Photography: Architecture, City and Territory

About this book:

The Daily Exhaustion

non-periodical publication

Author: Kruithof, Anouk
Date of publication: 2010
Place of publication: Baden
Publisher: Kodoji Press

Number of pages: 45
Size: 27,8x19,3 cm
Illustrated: Image, Text
Number of copies: 5000
Institution: -
Language: English
Key-words: Photography
Notes: Author's photography newspaper;
ISBN: 978-3-03747-034-3 
Book Reference: A1.nPaP.1101

“THE DAILY EXHAUSTION is a small newspaper which contains 23 self-portraits of an obsessed workaholic artist, who has reached the sweaty emotional state of exhaustion. When you browse through the publication, you will pass a gradual colour sprectrum, which Kruithof considers the stratification of human energy. THE DAILY EXHAUSTION confirmed quite aware that a photo or a photo series is invented as a conscious construction, but simultaneously withdraws that statemente into question, because the pictures are credible and honest.”

Anouk Kruithof

About this archive:

The creation of Cityzines collection intends to strengthen and promote the study and dissemination of author’s editions and other publications linked to the theme of architecture, city and territory, where the image and photography are present in a significant way, with a special interest and focus on the multifaceted richness of urban, architectural and visual culture that characterizes the urban agglomerations and their experiences.
This collection started with a survey more focused on the Portuguese context, but also integrates publications from other countries with a view to internationalization of the project.
The publications that will constitute this collection of the Cityzines project will be cataloged from the following general theme:

Artistic and Documentary Photography: Architecture, City and Territory

It was decided to start this collection by topic A1 - Artistic Photography and Documentary: Architecture, City and Territory, for reasons connected with only two facts: first there is at this time, a greater number of alternative publications pertaining to this topic, according by the fact that they had already been there longer subject specific study through the work of the research line City spaces and Culture of the CCRE group.

As we will see next, we have adopted a sub-theme structure in order to organize the field of alternative publications, covering several areas and formats, as previously described in the general theme of Documentary and Artistic Photography: Architecture, City and Territory. Even though all sub-themes show differences between them, they all fit the general theme and they have in common the focus and the importance given to image/photography, as well as the innovative and/or irreverent stance.

Artistic and Documentary Photography: Architecture, City and Territory

Periodical Author’s editions and other publications (A1.PaP)
- In general terms, periodical publications that reflect and investigate, through the image and /or photography, and in a critical, exploratory and innovative way, the themes of architecture, city and territory;
- fanzines, little magazines on photography: independent non mainstream publications where photography is used as the main visual instrument to perceive, understand and analyze architecture and how people live and appropriate diverse places;

- counterculture or non-mainstream publications focused on social and documentary or contemporary photography and related issues;
Non-periodical Author’s editions and other publications (A1.nPaP)
- In general terms, periodical publications that reflect and investigate, through the image and /or photography, and in a critical, exploratory and innovative way, the themes of architecture, city and territory;

- photo-books or/and artist books specifically more related to the universe of architecture: independent non mainstream publications where photography is used as the main visual instrument to perceive, understand and analyze architecture and how people live and appropriate diverse places;

- photo-books or /and artist books more related with documentary photography.

With this collection we intend to promote awareness and reflection upon art and documentary photography in regard to its conception as a tool to question Architecture, City and Territory. This means understanding Architecture as a broad subject and practice interested in, on the one hand, the real space and its experiences, exploring new spatial forms and architectural codes and, on the other hand, in how architecture operates within larger systems: sociocultural, technical, and historical systems.

The physical collection will focus on Portuguese printed objects only and it will work as a showcase travelling across several places in Portugal and abroad. This catalogue of Author’s editions and other publications will suport its dissemination, being also an important international tool to locate relevant and independent non-mainstream publications related to Artistic Photography and Documentary: Architecture, City and Territory.





[Non-Periodical Publication]

Documentary and Contemporary Photography: Architecture, City and Territory

About this book:

No title

non-periodical publication

Author: Serenellini, Maria Clara
Date of publication: 2014
Place of publication: Porto
Publisher: self publisher

Number of pages: 54
Size: 14x14 cm
Illustrated: Image, Text
Number of copies: -
Institution: FAUP/CCRE
Language: Portuguese
Key-words: Photography, Architecture
Notes: Artistic book; Photobook made in the course of Communication, Photography and Multimedia, from the Integrated Master in Architecture of FAUP;
Book Reference: A1.nPaP.1137

"Objects, memories, people going, people coming. People that stay. They live there for years, they are part of the history of Gaia. The know each place, know their corners, their secrets. Remembering the floods, the changes on the riverside, they know the past. And they know each other. The know that all the change that occur in the buildings, they care about the facades, control that nobody steals their tiles. Proud of their business, their store is their home. They like to chat and tell stories of their neighborhood. They are connected by a common story, connected by the time."

About this archive:

The creation of Cityzines collection intends to strengthen and promote the study and dissemination of author’s editions and other publications linked to the theme of architecture, city and territory, where the image and photography are present in a significant way, with a special interest and focus on the multifaceted richness of urban, architectural and visual culture that characterizes the urban agglomerations and their experiences.
This collection started with a survey more focused on the Portuguese context, but also integrates publications from other countries with a view to internationalization of the project.
The publications that will constitute this collection of the Cityzines project will be cataloged from the following general theme:

Artistic and Documentary Photography: Architecture, City and Territory

It was decided to start this collection by topic A1 - Artistic Photography and Documentary: Architecture, City and Territory, for reasons connected with only two facts: first there is at this time, a greater number of alternative publications pertaining to this topic, according by the fact that they had already been there longer subject specific study through the work of the research line City spaces and Culture of the CCRE group.

As we will see next, we have adopted a sub-theme structure in order to organize the field of alternative publications, covering several areas and formats, as previously described in the general theme of Documentary and Artistic Photography: Architecture, City and Territory. Even though all sub-themes show differences between them, they all fit the general theme and they have in common the focus and the importance given to image/photography, as well as the innovative and/or irreverent stance.

Artistic and Documentary Photography: Architecture, City and Territory

Periodical Author’s editions and other publications (A1.PaP)
- In general terms, periodical publications that reflect and investigate, through the image and /or photography, and in a critical, exploratory and innovative way, the themes of architecture, city and territory;
- fanzines, little magazines on photography: independent non mainstream publications where photography is used as the main visual instrument to perceive, understand and analyze architecture and how people live and appropriate diverse places;

- counterculture or non-mainstream publications focused on social and documentary or contemporary photography and related issues;
Non-periodical Author’s editions and other publications (A1.nPaP)
- In general terms, periodical publications that reflect and investigate, through the image and /or photography, and in a critical, exploratory and innovative way, the themes of architecture, city and territory;

- photo-books or/and artist books specifically more related to the universe of architecture: independent non mainstream publications where photography is used as the main visual instrument to perceive, understand and analyze architecture and how people live and appropriate diverse places;

- photo-books or /and artist books more related with documentary photography.

With this collection we intend to promote awareness and reflection upon art and documentary photography in regard to its conception as a tool to question Architecture, City and Territory. This means understanding Architecture as a broad subject and practice interested in, on the one hand, the real space and its experiences, exploring new spatial forms and architectural codes and, on the other hand, in how architecture operates within larger systems: sociocultural, technical, and historical systems.

The physical collection will focus on Portuguese printed objects only and it will work as a showcase travelling across several places in Portugal and abroad. This catalogue of Author’s editions and other publications will suport its dissemination, being also an important international tool to locate relevant and independent non-mainstream publications related to Artistic Photography and Documentary: Architecture, City and Territory.





[Non-Periodical Publication]

Documentary and Contemporary Photography: Architecture, City and Territory
About this book:

Title: -

non-periodical publication

Author: Pacheco, Adriana
Date of publication: -
Place of publication: Porto
Publisher: self publisher

Number of pages: 12
Size: 9,5x22,4 cm
Illustrated: Image, Text
Number of copies: -
Institution: FAUP/CCRE
Language: Portuguese
Key-words: Photography, Architecture
Notes: Artistic book; In a wooden box; Photobook made in the course of Communication, Photography and Multimedia, from the Integrated Master in Architecture of FAUP
Book Reference: A1.nPaP.1168

"When we walk in the Botanical Garden, we feel a certain peace, a silence that invites to the introspection. We walk. We stop. We look. We continue in the plain discovery of the space. Sophia de Mello Breyner Andersen portrays it in her tale "A Fada Oriana", the keeper of a place that turns it full of harmony until the day that she discovers herself in the reflection of the river - lake - a looses herself, leaving the forest to the abandon. Almost as we find it nowadays, a garden so quiet and silent."
About this archive:

The creation of Cityzines collection intends to strengthen and promote the study and dissemination of author’s editions and other publications linked to the theme of architecture, city and territory, where the image and photography are present in a significant way, with a special interest and focus on the multifaceted richness of urban, architectural and visual culture that characterizes the urban agglomerations and their experiences.
This collection started with a survey more focused on the Portuguese context, but also integrates publications from other countries with a view to internationalization of the project.
The publications that will constitute this collection of the Cityzines project will be cataloged from the following general theme:

Artistic and Documentary Photography: Architecture, City and Territory

It was decided to start this collection by topic A1 - Artistic Photography and Documentary: Architecture, City and Territory, for reasons connected with only two facts: first there is at this time, a greater number of alternative publications pertaining to this topic, according by the fact that they had already been there longer subject specific study through the work of the research line City spaces and Culture of the CCRE group.

As we will see next, we have adopted a sub-theme structure in order to organize the field of alternative publications, covering several areas and formats, as previously described in the general theme of Documentary and Artistic Photography: Architecture, City and Territory. Even though all sub-themes show differences between them, they all fit the general theme and they have in common the focus and the importance given to image/photography, as well as the innovative and/or irreverent stance.
Artistic and Documentary Photography: Architecture, City and Territory

Periodical Author’s editions and other publications (A1.PaP)
- In general terms, periodical publications that reflect and investigate, through the image and /or photography, and in a critical, exploratory and innovative way, the themes of architecture, city and territory;
- fanzines, little magazines on photography: independent non mainstream publications where photography is used as the main visual instrument to perceive, understand and analyze architecture and how people live and appropriate diverse places;

- counterculture or non-mainstream publications focused on social and documentary or contemporary photography and related issues;
Non-periodical Author’s editions and other publications (A1.nPaP)
- In general terms, periodical publications that reflect and investigate, through the image and /or photography, and in a critical, exploratory and innovative way, the themes of architecture, city and territory;

- photo-books or/and artist books specifically more related to the universe of architecture: independent non mainstream publications where photography is used as the main visual instrument to perceive, understand and analyze architecture and how people live and appropriate diverse places;

- photo-books or /and artist books more related with documentary photography.

With this collection we intend to promote awareness and reflection upon art and documentary photography in regard to its conception as a tool to question Architecture, City and Territory. This means understanding Architecture as a broad subject and practice interested in, on the one hand, the real space and its experiences, exploring new spatial forms and architectural codes and, on the other hand, in how architecture operates within larger systems: sociocultural, technical, and historical systems.

The physical collection will focus on Portuguese printed objects only and it will work as a showcase travelling across several places in Portugal and abroad. This catalogue of Author’s editions and other publications will suport its dissemination, being also an important international tool to locate relevant and independent non-mainstream publications related to Artistic Photography and Documentary: Architecture, City and Territory.





[Non-Periodical Publication]

Documentary and Contemporary Photography: Architecture, City and Territory

About this book:


non-periodical publication

Author: Fonseca Rebelo, Mélanie
Date of publication: 2015
Place of publication: Porto
Publisher: self publisher

Number of pages: 40
Size: 15x15 cm
Illustrated: Image, Text
Number of copies: -
Institution: FAUP/CCRE
Language: Portuguese
Key-words: Photography, Architecture
Notes: Artistic book; Photobook made in the course of Communication, Photography and Multimedia, from the Integrated Master in Architecture of FAUP
Book Reference: A1.nPaP.1161

Without info.

About this archive:

The creation of Cityzines collection intends to strengthen and promote the study and dissemination of author’s editions and other publications linked to the theme of architecture, city and territory, where the image and photography are present in a significant way, with a special interest and focus on the multifaceted richness of urban, architectural and visual culture that characterizes the urban agglomerations and their experiences.
This collection started with a survey more focused on the Portuguese context, but also integrates publications from other countries with a view to internationalization of the project.
The publications that will constitute this collection of the Cityzines project will be cataloged from the following general theme:

Artistic and Documentary Photography: Architecture, City and Territory

It was decided to start this collection by topic A1 - Artistic Photography and Documentary: Architecture, City and Territory, for reasons connected with only two facts: first there is at this time, a greater number of alternative publications pertaining to this topic, according by the fact that they had already been there longer subject specific study through the work of the research line City spaces and Culture of the CCRE group.

As we will see next, we have adopted a sub-theme structure in order to organize the field of alternative publications, covering several areas and formats, as previously described in the general theme of Documentary and Artistic Photography: Architecture, City and Territory. Even though all sub-themes show differences between them, they all fit the general theme and they have in common the focus and the importance given to image/photography, as well as the innovative and/or irreverent stance.

Artistic and Documentary Photography: Architecture, City and Territory

Periodical Author’s editions and other publications (A1.PaP)
- In general terms, periodical publications that reflect and investigate, through the image and /or photography, and in a critical, exploratory and innovative way, the themes of architecture, city and territory;
- fanzines, little magazines on photography: independent non mainstream publications where photography is used as the main visual instrument to perceive, understand and analyze architecture and how people live and appropriate diverse places;

- counterculture or non-mainstream publications focused on social and documentary or contemporary photography and related issues;
Non-periodical Author’s editions and other publications (A1.nPaP)
- In general terms, periodical publications that reflect and investigate, through the image and /or photography, and in a critical, exploratory and innovative way, the themes of architecture, city and territory;

- photo-books or/and artist books specifically more related to the universe of architecture: independent non mainstream publications where photography is used as the main visual instrument to perceive, understand and analyze architecture and how people live and appropriate diverse places;

- photo-books or /and artist books more related with documentary photography.

With this collection we intend to promote awareness and reflection upon art and documentary photography in regard to its conception as a tool to question Architecture, City and Territory. This means understanding Architecture as a broad subject and practice interested in, on the one hand, the real space and its experiences, exploring new spatial forms and architectural codes and, on the other hand, in how architecture operates within larger systems: sociocultural, technical, and historical systems.

The physical collection will focus on Portuguese printed objects only and it will work as a showcase travelling across several places in Portugal and abroad. This catalogue of Author’s editions and other publications will suport its dissemination, being also an important international tool to locate relevant and independent non-mainstream publications related to Artistic Photography and Documentary: Architecture, City and Territory.





[Non Periodical Publication]

Fotografia Documental e Artística: Arquitectura, Cidade e Território

Sobre este Livro:

Temporalidade Espacial

publicação não-periódica

Autor: Vasques, Bárbara; Sousa, Beatriz; Araújo, Carla
Data de publicação: 2014
Local de publicação: Porto

Editor: Auto-edição

Número de páginas: 26

Dimensões: 16x11,7 cm

Ilustrado: Imagem, Texto
Tiragem: -
Instituição: FAUP/CCRE
Idioma: Português
Palavras-Chave: Arquitectura, Fotografia
Notas: Livro artístico; Fotolivro realizado na Unidade Curricular de Comunicação, Fotografia e Multimédia (CFM) do Mestrado Integrado em Arquitectura da FAUP; 
Cota: A1.nPaP.1115

"Ao visitarmos o espaço (Jardim Botânico do Porto) achámos que a pequena casa abandonada e a forma como a natureza se apoderou dela poderia ser um tema interessantes para o trabalho. Assim, a nossa narrativa visual vai retratar aquele espaço da casa e do pequeno jardim em frente, com um lago. O nosso objectivo é mostrar de que forma a vegetação foi, ao longo do tempo, tomando conta daqueles espaços e criando ambientes completamente diferentes. Os espaços ganham uma nova vida com a sua presença. É essa a ideia que queremos transmitir com as nossas fotografias."

Sobre este arquivo:

A criação da colecção Cityzines pretende fortalecer e promover a divulgação e estudo de edições de autor e outras publicações ligadas à temática de arquitectura, cidade e território, onde a imagem e a fotografia estão presentes de forma significativa, existindo um especial interesse e enfoque sobre a riqueza multifacetada da cultura urbana, arquitectónica e visual que caracteriza os aglomerados urbanos e as suas vivências.
A colecção iniciou com um levantamento mais focalizado no contexto português, mas também  integra publicações de outros países com vista à internacionalização do projecto.
As publicações que vão constituir esta colecção do projecto Cityzines serão catalogadas a partir do seguinte tema geral:
Fotografia Documental e Artística: Arquitectura, Cidade e Território
Decidiu-se iniciar esta colecção pelo tema Fotografia Documental e Artística: Arquitectura, Cidade e Território, por razões que se prendem apenas com dois factores: primeiro o de existir, neste momento, um maior número de publicações alternativas associados a este tema, segundo, por estas terem sido há mais tempo objecto de estudo específico do trabalho desenvolvido pela linha de investigação Espaços de Cidade e Cultura do grupo CCRE.
Como veremos de seguida, adoptámos uma estrutura de sub-categorias de forma a organizar o campo das publicações, cobrindo diversas áreas e formatos. Ainda que algumas sub-categorias apresentem diferenças entre si, todos eles encaixam no tema geral e têm em comum a importância e foco na imagem/fotografia, assim como um carácter de investigação e/ou a postura inovadora.
Fotografia Documental e Artística: Arquitectura, Cidade e Território

Edições de Autor e outras Publicações periódicas (A1.PaP)

- em termos gerais, publicações periódicas que reflectem e investigam, através da imagem e/ou fotografia, e de forma critica, exploratória e inovadora as temáticas da arquitectura, cidade e território;
- Fanzines, little magazines de fotografia: publicações independentes e não-tradicionais onde a fotografia é particularmente usada como o principal instrumento visual e meio para perceber, compreender e analisar não só a arquitetura mas também o modo como as pessoas vivem e se apropriam de diversos lugares; 

- publicações periódicas de contracultura ou não-tradicionais dedicadas à fotografia social e documental ou contemporânea e outras publicações relacionadas.
Edições de Autor e outras Publicações não periódicas (A1.nPaP)
- em termos gerais, publicações que reflectem e investigam ,através da imagem e / ou fotografia, e de forma critica, exploratória e inovadora as temáticas da arquitectura, cidade e território;
- foto-livros e/ou livros de artista especificamente relacionados com o universo da arquitectura: publicações independentes e não-tradicionais onde a fotografia é particularmente usada como o principal instrumento visual e meio para perceber, compreender e analisar não só a arquitetura mas também o modo como as pessoas vivem e se apropriam de diversos lugares;
- foto-livros ou/e livros de artista mais relacionados com fotografia documental.
Pretendemos, com esta colecção, promover a consciencialização e a reflexão sobre a arte e a fotografia documental, relativamente à sua concepção como instrumento para questionar o universo da Arquitectura, da Cidade e do Território. Isto significa entender a Arquitectura como uma disciplina e uma prática extensivas, com interesse, por um lado, pelo espaço real e suas experiências, explorando novas formas espaciais e códigos arquitectónicos e, por outro, pelo modo como a arquitectura opera no âmbito de sistemas mais vastos: socio-culturais, técnicos e históricos.
A colecção física debruçar-se-á predominantemente sobre objectos impressos portugueses, mas também integra publicações de outros países e constituirá uma mostra/ exposição que irá viajar por vários locais, em Portugal e no estrangeiro. Este catálogo de Edições de Autor e outras Publicações apoiará a divulgação do universo destas publicações, funcionando também como uma referência para localizar publicações com carácter de investigação/estudo e/ou não-tradicionais relevantes e independentes relacionadas com a Fotografia Documental e Artística: Arquitectura, Cidade e Território.




[Non-Periodical Publication]

Documentary and Contemporary Photography: Architecture, City and Territory

About this book:

Structured Nature / Natureza Estruturada

non-periodical publication

Author: Benyamine, Jonathan
Date of publication: 2015
Place of publication: Porto
Publisher: self publisher

Number of pages: 30
Size: 29,7x21 cm
Illustrated: Image, Text
Number of copies: -
Institution: FAUP/CCRE
Language: Portuguese
Key-words: Photography, Nature
Notes: Artistic book; Photobook made in the course of Communication, Photography and Multimedia, from the Integrated Master in Architecture of FAUP
Book Reference: A1.nPaP.1173

"Unlike a wood or a forest, the botanical garden of Porto is organized and settled according to a rational drawing (romantic garden from the XIXth century in front of the Villa Andersen...).
Indeed, all the botanical species that are in the garden take place in a built environment made of retaining walls, of trimmed hedges, of deep visual perspectives, pavements, equipments...
All these elements consist in a part of urban in the natural environment of the garden. These series of photographs show the contrast between this free and muddled nature and the strict geometry of its organization."

About this archive:

The creation of Cityzines collection intends to strengthen and promote the study and dissemination of author’s editions and other publications linked to the theme of architecture, city and territory, where the image and photography are present in a significant way, with a special interest and focus on the multifaceted richness of urban, architectural and visual culture that characterizes the urban agglomerations and their experiences.
This collection started with a survey more focused on the Portuguese context, but also integrates publications from other countries with a view to internationalization of the project.
The publications that will constitute this collection of the Cityzines project will be cataloged from the following general theme:

Artistic and Documentary Photography: Architecture, City and Territory

It was decided to start this collection by topic A1 - Artistic Photography and Documentary: Architecture, City and Territory, for reasons connected with only two facts: first there is at this time, a greater number of alternative publications pertaining to this topic, according by the fact that they had already been there longer subject specific study through the work of the research line City spaces and Culture of the CCRE group.

As we will see next, we have adopted a sub-theme structure in order to organize the field of alternative publications, covering several areas and formats, as previously described in the general theme of Documentary and Artistic Photography: Architecture, City and Territory. Even though all sub-themes show differences between them, they all fit the general theme and they have in common the focus and the importance given to image/photography, as well as the innovative and/or irreverent stance.

Artistic and Documentary Photography: Architecture, City and Territory

Periodical Author’s editions and other publications (A1.PaP)
- In general terms, periodical publications that reflect and investigate, through the image and /or photography, and in a critical, exploratory and innovative way, the themes of architecture, city and territory;
- fanzines, little magazines on photography: independent non mainstream publications where photography is used as the main visual instrument to perceive, understand and analyze architecture and how people live and appropriate diverse places;

- counterculture or non-mainstream publications focused on social and documentary or contemporary photography and related issues;
Non-periodical Author’s editions and other publications (A1.nPaP)
- In general terms, periodical publications that reflect and investigate, through the image and /or photography, and in a critical, exploratory and innovative way, the themes of architecture, city and territory;

- photo-books or/and artist books specifically more related to the universe of architecture: independent non mainstream publications where photography is used as the main visual instrument to perceive, understand and analyze architecture and how people live and appropriate diverse places;

- photo-books or /and artist books more related with documentary photography.

With this collection we intend to promote awareness and reflection upon art and documentary photography in regard to its conception as a tool to question Architecture, City and Territory. This means understanding Architecture as a broad subject and practice interested in, on the one hand, the real space and its experiences, exploring new spatial forms and architectural codes and, on the other hand, in how architecture operates within larger systems: sociocultural, technical, and historical systems.

The physical collection will focus on Portuguese printed objects only and it will work as a showcase travelling across several places in Portugal and abroad. This catalogue of Author’s editions and other publications will suport its dissemination, being also an important international tool to locate relevant and independent non-mainstream publications related to Artistic Photography and Documentary: Architecture, City and Territory.





[Non-Periodical Publication]

Documentary and Contemporary Photography: Architecture, City and Territory

About this book:


non-periodical publication

Author: Silva, Claúdia; Graça, Joana; Lima, Raquel; Jesus, Sara; Lia, Tiago
Date of publication: -
Place of publication: Porto
Publisher: self publisher

Number of pages: 28
Size: 22,4x12 cm
Illustrated: Image, Text
Number of copies: -
Institution: FAUP/CCRE
Language: Portuguese
Key-words: Photography, Architecture
Notes: Artistic book; Photobook made in the course of Communication, Photography and Multimedia, from the Integrated Master in Architecture of FAUP
Book Reference: A1.nPaP.1159

"We portray the sensations and perceptions of the space from a point of view exterior to the subject that transforms after in the vision from the same point: the journey of the conscience from the exterior to the body. The subjectivity is cause to the ambiguous and the distance from the real."

About this archive:

The creation of Cityzines collection intends to strengthen and promote the study and dissemination of author’s editions and other publications linked to the theme of architecture, city and territory, where the image and photography are present in a significant way, with a special interest and focus on the multifaceted richness of urban, architectural and visual culture that characterizes the urban agglomerations and their experiences.
This collection started with a survey more focused on the Portuguese context, but also integrates publications from other countries with a view to internationalization of the project.
The publications that will constitute this collection of the Cityzines project will be cataloged from the following general theme:

Artistic and Documentary Photography: Architecture, City and Territory

It was decided to start this collection by topic A1 - Artistic Photography and Documentary: Architecture, City and Territory, for reasons connected with only two facts: first there is at this time, a greater number of alternative publications pertaining to this topic, according by the fact that they had already been there longer subject specific study through the work of the research line City spaces and Culture of the CCRE group.

As we will see next, we have adopted a sub-theme structure in order to organize the field of alternative publications, covering several areas and formats, as previously described in the general theme of Documentary and Artistic Photography: Architecture, City and Territory. Even though all sub-themes show differences between them, they all fit the general theme and they have in common the focus and the importance given to image/photography, as well as the innovative and/or irreverent stance.

Artistic and Documentary Photography: Architecture, City and Territory

Periodical Author’s editions and other publications (A1.PaP)
- In general terms, periodical publications that reflect and investigate, through the image and /or photography, and in a critical, exploratory and innovative way, the themes of architecture, city and territory;
- fanzines, little magazines on photography: independent non mainstream publications where photography is used as the main visual instrument to perceive, understand and analyze architecture and how people live and appropriate diverse places;

- counterculture or non-mainstream publications focused on social and documentary or contemporary photography and related issues;
Non-periodical Author’s editions and other publications (A1.nPaP)
- In general terms, periodical publications that reflect and investigate, through the image and /or photography, and in a critical, exploratory and innovative way, the themes of architecture, city and territory;

- photo-books or/and artist books specifically more related to the universe of architecture: independent non mainstream publications where photography is used as the main visual instrument to perceive, understand and analyze architecture and how people live and appropriate diverse places;

- photo-books or /and artist books more related with documentary photography.

With this collection we intend to promote awareness and reflection upon art and documentary photography in regard to its conception as a tool to question Architecture, City and Territory. This means understanding Architecture as a broad subject and practice interested in, on the one hand, the real space and its experiences, exploring new spatial forms and architectural codes and, on the other hand, in how architecture operates within larger systems: sociocultural, technical, and historical systems.

The physical collection will focus on Portuguese printed objects only and it will work as a showcase travelling across several places in Portugal and abroad. This catalogue of Author’s editions and other publications will suport its dissemination, being also an important international tool to locate relevant and independent non-mainstream publications related to Artistic Photography and Documentary: Architecture, City and Territory.





[Non-Periodical Publication]

Documentary and Contemporary Photography: Architecture, City and Territory

About this book:


non-periodical publication

Author: Meruje, Miguel
Date of publication: 2011
Place of publication: Lisbon
Publisher: Organic Anagram Industries

Number of pages: 34
Size: 20,5 x 15 cm
Illustrated: Photography, text
Number of copies: 200
Institution: -
Language: English, portuguese
Key-words: Photobook; non-periodical
Notes: Photography and text by Miguel Meruje, printed in several paper types; Organic Anagram Industries Press MMXI
Book Reference: A1.nPaP.1018

Without info.

About this archive:

The creation of Cityzines collection intends to strengthen and promote the study and dissemination of author’s editions and other publications linked to the theme of architecture, city and territory, where the image and photography are present in a significant way, with a special interest and focus on the multifaceted richness of urban, architectural and visual culture that characterizes the urban agglomerations and their experiences.
This collection started with a survey more focused on the Portuguese context, but also integrates publications from other countries with a view to internationalization of the project.
The publications that will constitute this collection of the Cityzines project will be cataloged from the following general theme:

Artistic and Documentary Photography: Architecture, City and Territory

It was decided to start this collection by topic A1 - Artistic Photography and Documentary: Architecture, City and Territory, for reasons connected with only two facts: first there is at this time, a greater number of alternative publications pertaining to this topic, according by the fact that they had already been there longer subject specific study through the work of the research line City spaces and Culture of the CCRE group.

As we will see next, we have adopted a sub-theme structure in order to organize the field of alternative publications, covering several areas and formats, as previously described in the general theme of Documentary and Artistic Photography: Architecture, City and Territory. Even though all sub-themes show differences between them, they all fit the general theme and they have in common the focus and the importance given to image/photography, as well as the innovative and/or irreverent stance.

Artistic and Documentary Photography: Architecture, City and Territory

Periodical Author’s editions and other publications (A1.PaP)
- In general terms, periodical publications that reflect and investigate, through the image and /or photography, and in a critical, exploratory and innovative way, the themes of architecture, city and territory;
- fanzines, little magazines on photography: independent non mainstream publications where photography is used as the main visual instrument to perceive, understand and analyze architecture and how people live and appropriate diverse places;

- counterculture or non-mainstream publications focused on social and documentary or contemporary photography and related issues;
Non-periodical Author’s editions and other publications (A1.nPaP)
- In general terms, periodical publications that reflect and investigate, through the image and /or photography, and in a critical, exploratory and innovative way, the themes of architecture, city and territory;

- photo-books or/and artist books specifically more related to the universe of architecture: independent non mainstream publications where photography is used as the main visual instrument to perceive, understand and analyze architecture and how people live and appropriate diverse places;

- photo-books or /and artist books more related with documentary photography.

With this collection we intend to promote awareness and reflection upon art and documentary photography in regard to its conception as a tool to question Architecture, City and Territory. This means understanding Architecture as a broad subject and practice interested in, on the one hand, the real space and its experiences, exploring new spatial forms and architectural codes and, on the other hand, in how architecture operates within larger systems: sociocultural, technical, and historical systems.

The physical collection will focus on Portuguese printed objects only and it will work as a showcase travelling across several places in Portugal and abroad. This catalogue of Author’s editions and other publications will suport its dissemination, being also an important international tool to locate relevant and independent non-mainstream publications related to Artistic Photography and Documentary: Architecture, City and Territory.