Dream Moons
by Yurian Quintanas Nobel
A full moon was watching me in my sleep, but I could not see her in my dream. She traveled throught the spaces to pull me into her world. She found me alone and caught me unprepared.
Her gravitational pull was effecting everything, the way it effects the oceans. Although everything looked unestable and confusing, I knew that from this moment on she was in custody of my being.
Unreachable sunny day outside. A thin mesh kept it far. I felt lost and dazed. Something happened in the past. Why did the sun looked so dark inside?
My house looked like a maze, a tenebrous shelter where nobody could enter but that was harder to leave. I walked through its corridors and up and down the stairs, but I couldn’t reach the exit. Darkness everywhere.
Fear unsettled me as a deadly poison, but I knew it was a subtle and breakable trap. I just had to follow the traces that time had left behind and repair its damage.
Everything around me was fading away, like if somebody had invoked a devastating mechanism to erase all that I harbored in my brain.
A distant squeak, muffled breath of a starving beast. This was the place where everything started, but now nobody was there. I left the most essential of my self and fled with the moon to settle somewhere else. An unknown state of silence and dust.
Yurian Quintanas Nobel was born in Amsterdam in 1983, but he grew in Catalunya (Spain), where he is currently living. His personal photographic projects are focused on using photography to approach the intangible, the hidden side of life, and explore its mysteries.
Yurian’s works has been exhibited internationally and has been chosen for awards like the SFR Jeunes Talents for ParisPhoto (2014), the Open Call award of the Encontros da Imagem (2015) and the selection as LensCulture Emerging Talent (2018) among others.
Website: https://yurianquintanas.com/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/yurian_quintanas/