This Is the Beginning Not the End


This Is the Beginning Not the End


Every day we proceed in our lives, in a suffocating routine,

with no awareness that any action has a purpose,

unfolding between exaggerated rationalism and repetitive actions,

prone to the alienation of being.

A silent restlessness annihilates our days.

Where is the error?

Hallucinated lies fill the illusions of the everyday, we are defeated,

we rely on fate.

The day ends, the night begins again.

We do not accept our limitations just as we take no pleasure in accepting ourselves,

every effort we make, every road we decide to take,

brings us back to the starting point where desires are shattered,

with a fixed stare and a stifled cry,

we wait helplessly for answer to our questions,

no one listens to us and we continue stubbornly toward a quest for personal happiness,

we try to accumulate trophies to show off

rather than experiences that make us grow and improve.

An endless cycle and at the same time a movement

that cancels itself into itself,

does not exist, disappears.

The night ends, the day begins again.

Faced with endless possibilities, we stand still, we are overwhelmed by lite,

but we do not embrace it as it is without expecting anything,

we resist and nausea assails us, we are lost in an endless night.

Heartbeats become irregular, body temperature changes,

muscle tension also,

something we don’t know or don't want to name clouds our thoughts,

the mind commands us.

The day ends, the night begins again.

As we look at the sky, which always looks the same to us,

we notice that slowly the clouds disappear,

that what we see now, within a short time

we can no longer make out,

the sense of dizziness leaves us.

Now we are present and think therefore, did all this ever exist?

This is the beginning not the end.


Angelo Bonetti (b. 1976, Turin, Italy) is a visual artist who works with photography, mainly a self-taught photographer who over the years has pursued and developed his own language. Bonetti creates works that generate different contents, associations and meanings that come into conflict. Space becomes time and language becomes image. His works have a strong vision in the approach to life and its everyday life, a continuous interest in what surrounds him, deepening themes such as memory, time and the connections of his personal stories, questioning the conditions of appearance of images, representations and ideas in the context of the contemporary visual culture in which they normally work.




The black night calls my name




I was born in Russia in 1994. It was a turbulent period after the collapse of the USSR, known as the "wild nineties." Though I was a child, the chaos of that decade left a deep imprint on me.

I vividly recall stepping over bodies of drug addicts sprawled in stairwells, the crunch of discarded syringes underfoot, my grandma’s scary tales about rapists, sectarian symbols on neighbor’s windows. Crime shows ran nonstop on TV, and every unexpected doorbell sent me hiding, as if it foretold the dangers the screen depicted.

Paranoia, like a low and constant hum, shaped both my perception of the world and, inevitably, myself. But what if, in fearing aggressors so obsessively, I unwittingly absorbed their traits? As I confront my blind spots, I dread discovering a monster born of that era lurking within me.

Trying to identify areas of uncertainty within myself, I come across the universal mechanism of unpredictability: the external environment influences us in ways that are impossible to foresee.


Anna Guseva is a visual artist, born in Russia and based in France. Her practice explores the influence of the external environment on the individual. Anna often turns to performative practices, examining how the fragile human body experiences the brutality of the outside world pressures.

In 2024, Anna was shortlisted for the PhMuseum Women Photographers Grant, GUP Fresh Eye, and the Belfast Photo Festival. Her works have been exhibited at the Singapore Photo Festival and the Festival OFF Arles.




CONTRAST Collective Exhibition


The CONTRAST Collective ExhibiTION


The CONTRAST project has established itself as a pioneering platform in the world of contemporary photography, building bridges between art, architecture and design. As part of its initiatives, a video has been produced to promote the CONTRAST Collective Exhibition, with the aim of increasing the project's visibility and enabling the publication of diverse multimedia content. This step represents an important milestone in publicising the initiative globally and highlighting the work of young students, researchers and emerging artists.

The CONTRAST Collective Exhibition was developed to constitute a fundamental menu/operator in the project's communication programme, integrating the multidisciplinary network of artistic activities in order to communicate its presence to different contexts. A menu/operator whose multimedia content should act as a versatile digital space, supporting seminars and exhibitions at national and international level, while promoting digital accessibility and interaction through online video projections.

The aim is for the CONTRAST Collective Exhibition menu to evolve in its content and interaction and to play a crucial role in CONTRAST's greater communication and expansion, strengthening collaborations with institutions such as the Department of Architecture at the Lusófona University of Porto, the University of South Wales, as well as organisations in Barcelona, Zaragoza and other major cities.



O projeto foi seleccionado para financiamento no concurso de apoio a projectos criação e edição da DGARTES, através da Associação Cultural Cityscopio, com coordenação conjunta entre a ESMAD-uniMAD e a FBAUP – i2ADS, e liderada pela FAUP. 


Exposição Coletiva CONTRAST


ExposiçÃO COLETIVA na Plataforma CONTRAST


O projeto CONTRAST afirma-se como uma plataforma pioneira no universo da fotografia contemporânea, estabelecendo pontes entre arte, arquitetura e design. Como parte das suas iniciativas, foi produzido um vídeo para promover a Exposição Coletiva CONTRAST, com o intuito de aumentar a visibilidade do projeto e possibilitar a publicação de conteúdos multimédia diversificados. Este passo representa um marco importante na divulgação global da iniciativa e no destaque do trabalho de jovens estudantes, investigadores e artistas emergentes.

A Exposição Coletiva CONTRAST foi desenvolvida visando constituir um menu/operador fundamental no programa de comunicação do projeto, integrando a rede multidisciplinar de atividades artísticas de forma a comunicar a sua presença a diferentes contextos. Um menu / operador cujos conteúdos multimédia devem atuar como um espaço digital versátil, apoiando seminários e exposições em âmbitos nacionais e internacionais, enquanto promove a acessibilidade digital e a interação por video-projeções ‘online’.

Pretende-se, desta forma, que o menu Exposição Coletiva CONTRAST possa evoluir nos seus conteúdos e interação e desempenhe um papel crucial para uma maior comunicação e expansão do CONTRAST, fortalecendo colaborações com instituições como o Departamento de Arquitetura da Universidade Lusófona do Porto, a University of South Wales, bem como entidades de Barcelona, Zaragoza e outras cidades de relevo.



O projeto foi seleccionado para financiamento no concurso de apoio a projectos criação e edição da DGARTES, através da Associação Cultural Cityscopio, com coordenação conjunta entre a ESMAD-uniMAD e a FBAUP – i2ADS, e liderada pela FAUP. 


Exposições Multimédia CONTRAST (EMC) na Plataforma CONTRAST


ExposiçÕES Multimédia CONTRAST (EMC) na Plataforma CONTRAST


O projeto CONTRAST consolida-se como uma plataforma inovadora na fotografia contemporânea, conectando arte, arquitetura e design. Recentemente, foi criada uma versão de um operador para Exposições Multimédia CONTRAST (EMC) com conteúdos de vídeo diferenciado a partir do menu Exposição Coletiva Contrast, com vista a ampliar o alcance do projeto, permitindo a publicação multimédia de conteúdos diversos. Pretende-se continuar o desenvolvimento e potencialçidades deste operador que tem um potencial decisivo para a disseminação do projeto na totalidade e na promoção dos trabalhos de jovens estudantes, investigadores e artistas emergentes.

A versão do operador Exposições Multimédia CONTRAST (EMC) surge como uma iniciativa central no programa de disseminação do projeto, integrando a rede multidisciplinar de atividades artísticas e expandindo a sua presença em diferentes contextos. O EMC tem o potencial para atuar como um suporte dinâmico para seminários e exposições, nacionais e internacionais, promovendo a acessibilidade digital e a comunicação por meio da video-projeção online. Este formato cria um espaço virtual inclusivo, permitindo a visualização em tempo real das exposições, criando sinergias como e o potencial multimédia da plataforma Research Catalogue (RC).

Impacto e Disseminação

A versão do operado EMC pode desempenhar um papel estratégico na ampliação da visibilidade do CONTRAST, fomentando colaborações com instituições como o Departamento de Arquitetura da Universidade Lusófona do Porto e a University of South Wales, entre muitas outras, criando sinergias com a plataforma do Research Catalogue (RC). A implementação da versão do operador EMC foi acompanhada por um projeto-piloto com estudantes da Faculdade de Arquitetura da Universidade do Porto (FAUP), que exploraram o potencial da plataforma RC para enriquecer processos criativos e de investigação.

Sinergias e Estratégias

A versão do operado EMC tem o potencial para complementar atividades como mesas-redondas, conferências e workshops, permitindo a vídeo-exposição dos diversos conteúdos nos locais das atividades, criando um ciclo virtuoso no qual cada componente reforça o projeto na totalidade. A utilização de meios digitais, como vídeo e áudio ‘online’, maximiza o impacto das exposições em suporte físico e oferece novas perceções da produção artística.

Reconhecimento e Internacionalização

Nos últimos quatro anos, o CONTRAST conquistou destaque nacional e internacional, participando de eventos como a Conferência Internacional Imagens do Real Imaginado (ESMAD/IPP) e as conferências scopio Magazine Arquitetura, Arte e Imagem (FAUP). Iniciativas como a exposição no Centro Português de Fotografia e o lançamento da publicação na Casa Comum – Reitoria da U. Porto evidenciam o impacto do projeto.

Com parcerias estratégicas, como a colaboração entre a SCOPIO e o CONTRAST, o projeto fortalece o seu papel como catalisador de ideias no universo da fotografia, promovendo um diálogo interdisciplinar entre a academia e a sociedade.

Integração Estratégica e Potencial Multidimensional

A versão do operado EMC permite conectar diferentes vertentes do projeto CONTRAST, atuando como um ponto de convergência para conteúdos artísticos, pedagógicos e investigativos. Além disso, contribui para a formação de um arquivo vivo na plataforma CONTRAST, documentando práticas artísticas e fotográficas de forma contínua e inovadora.

A integração com o RC possibilita a criação de um espaço experimental para a disseminação de conteúdos, promovendo uma abordagem dinâmica e sustentável para a investigação e a prática artística.

A versão do operado EMC e seu desenvolvimento futuro vai permitir ir além da exposição de obras, funcionando como um suporte transversal para diversas iniciativas pedagógicas e artísticas, como:

  • Aulas Abertas: Integram o EMC para apresentar e discutir projetos fotográficos, promovendo debates entre academia e público externo. A video-projeção online destaca a dimensão visual e multimodal da investigação artística.

  • Seminários e Mesas-Redondas: Facilita a partilha de conteúdos multimédia que enriquecem discussões e ilustram práticas investigativas, garantindo acessibilidade a públicos diversificados.

  • Exposições em Diversos Locais: Instituições parceiras utilizam o EMC para expandir a visibilidade das obras, combinando a experiência presencial com o alcance global do ambiente digital.



O projeto foi seleccionado para financiamento no concurso de apoio a projectos criação e edição da DGARTES, através da Associação Cultural Cityscopio, com coordenação conjunta entre a ESMAD-uniMAD e a FBAUP – i2ADS, e liderada pela FAUP. 


Multimedia Exhibitions CONTRAST (EMC) on the CONTRAST Platform


Multimedia Exhibitions CONTRAST (EMC) on the CONTRAST Platform


The CONTRAST project has established itself as an innovative platform for contemporary photography, connecting art, architecture and design. Recently, a version of the CONTRAST Multimedia Exhibition (EMC) operator was created with differentiated video content from the Contrast Collective Exhibition menu, with a view to extending the project's reach by allowing multimedia publication of diverse content. The aim is to continue the development and potential of this operator, which has decisive potential for disseminating the project as a whole and promoting the work of young students, researchers and emerging artists.

The version of the CONTRAST Multimedia Exhibitions (EMC) operator has emerged as a central initiative in the project's dissemination programme, integrating the multidisciplinary network of artistic activities and expanding its presence in different contexts. The EMC has the potential to act as a dynamic support for national and international seminars and exhibitions, promoting digital accessibility and communication through online video projection. This format creates an inclusive virtual space, allowing exhibitions to be viewed in real time, creating synergies with the multimedia potential of the Research Catalogue (RC) platform.

Impact and Dissemination

The EMC operator version can play a strategic role in expanding CONTRAST's visibility, fostering collaborations with institutions such as the Department of Architecture at the Lusófona University of Porto and the University of South Wales, among many others, creating synergies with the Research Catalogue (RC) platform. The implementation of the EMC operator version was accompanied by a pilot project with students from the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Porto (FAUP), who explored the potential of the RC platform to enrich creative and research processes.

Synergies and Strategies

The EMC version of the operation has the potential to complement activities such as round tables, conferences and workshops, allowing the video exhibition of the various contents at the venues of the activities, creating a virtuous cycle in which each component reinforces the project as a whole. The use of digital media, such as online video and audio, maximises the impact of physical exhibitions and offers new insights into artistic production.

Recognition and Internationalisation

Over the last four years, CONTRAST has achieved national and international recognition, taking part in events such as the International Conference Images of the Imagined Real (ESMAD/IPP) and the scopio Magazine Architecture, Art and Image conferences (FAUP). Initiatives such as the exhibition at the Portuguese Photography Centre and the launch of the publication at Casa Comum - Rectory of the University of Porto show the project's impact.

With strategic partnerships, such as the collaboration between SCOPIO and CONTRAST, the project strengthens its role as a catalyst for ideas in the world of photography, promoting an interdisciplinary dialogue between academia and society.

Support for Open Classes, Seminars, and Exhibitions

The version of the EMC operative makes it possible to connect different strands of the CONTRAST project, acting as a point of convergence for artistic, pedagogical and investigative content. It also contributes to the formation of a living archive on the CONTRAST platform, documenting artistic and photographic practices in a continuous and innovative way.

The integration with RC makes it possible to create an experimental space for the dissemination of content, promoting a dynamic and sustainable approach to artistic research and practice.

The version of the EMC operation and its future development will allow it to go beyond the exhibition of works, functioning as a transversal support for various pedagogical and artistic initiatives, such as:

  • Open Classes: EMC is used to present and discuss photographic projects, fostering debates between academia and the broader public. Online video projection enhances the visual and multimodal dimensions of artistic research.

  • Seminars and Roundtables: It facilitates the sharing of multimedia content that enriches discussions and illustrates research practices, ensuring accessibility for diverse audiences.

  • Exhibitions in Various Locations: Partner institutions use the EMC to broaden the visibility of works, combining the in-person experience with the global reach of the digital environment.

Strategic Integration and Multidimensional Potential

The EMC connects various aspects of the CONTRAST project, acting as a convergence point for artistic, pedagogical, and research content. Furthermore, it contributes to the formation of a living archive on the CONTRAST platform, documenting artistic and photographic practices continuously and innovatively.

The integration with the RC enables the creation of an experimental space for content dissemination, promoting a dynamic and sustainable approach to artistic research and practice.


The project was selected for funding in the DGARTES creation and publishing project support competition, through the Cityscopio Cultural Association, with joint coordination between ESMAD-uniMAD and FBAUP - i2ADS, and led by FAUP.


Capturing Álvaro Siza´s Ocean Swimming Pool over time Pedro Leão Neto (FAUP) - Conference | SizaAtlas. Filling the gaps for World Heritage


Conference | SizaAtlas. Filling the gaps for World Heritage

Capturing Álvaro Siza´s Ocean Swimming Pool over time
Pedro Leão Neto (FAUP)

12th September 2024, Thursday, 9h00-18h00, Auditório Fernando Távora + videoconference

A apresentação do artigo Capturing Álvaro Siza´s Ocean Swimming Pool over time por Pedro Leão Neto (FAUP) teve lugar no dia 12 de setembro - 15h10, 2024, na Faculdade de Arquitetura da Universidade do Porto. 

Ver notícia em:


  • Opening

    9h00 | João Pedro Xavier (FAUP Dean)
    9h05 | Soraya Genin (Project Leader, ISCTE)

  • Session I - The project SizaAtlas

    09h10 | SizaAtlas project framework and methodology. The collaborative platform for inventorying and documenting Álvaro Siza's architectural works
    Soraya Genin (ISCTE, coord. T1-T2)

    09h30 | Methodology for the documentation and analysis of Álvaro Siza's Works in the World Heritage Tentative List
    Teresa Cunha Ferreira (FAUP, Co-Project Leader, coord. T3)

    09h50 | Recommendations for the World Heritage List Nomination 
    Mariana Correia (UPT, coord. T4)

  • Session II - World Heritage and Social Housing (Moderation - Teresa Cunha Ferreira)

    10h10 | The Tentative List for World Heritage: Ensemble of Álvaro Siza's Architecture Works in Portugal
    Ana Paula Amendoeira (ICOMOS-Portugal) - Keynote Speaker

    10h30 | Álvaro Siza's Malagueira and its heritage recognition
    Pedro Guilherme, Sofia Salema (UÉvora)

    10h40 | The Álvaro Siza's Malagueira and Le Corbusier's Frugès neighborhood. A comparison in the scope of the World Heritage List
    Soraya Genin, Alan Krassavtsev (ISCTE)

    10h50 | A reflection towards 20th Century Social Housing as World Heritage
    Uriel Perles Garcia, Telma Ribeiro, Mariana Correia (UPT)

    11h00 | Questions

    11h20 | Coffee-break (30")

  • Session III - World Heritage Serial Nominations (Moderation - Mariana Correia)

    11h50 | Álvaro Siza’s Architecture: A Modern Contextualism Legacy: Comparative Analysis of World Heritage Serial Nominations
    Teresa Cunha Ferreira, Pedro Murilo Freitas, Tiago Cruz, Mariana Correia, Soraya Genin (FAUP, UPT, ISCTE)

    12h00 | Bairro da Bouça
    Carlos Machado (FAUP)

    12h10 | Álvaro Siza and the Contemporary Heritage Values of University Architecture
    Rui Florentino, Bruno Andrade (UPT)

    12h20 | Questions

    12h40 | Lunch (1:30")

  • Session IV - Design principles in Álvaro Siza's architectural works (Moderation - Soraya Genin)

    14h30 | Creating roots: from Alvar Aalto to Álvaro Siza
    Eduardo Fernandes - Keynote Speaker (UMinho)

    14h50 | Iberian Parallels: Siza's ‘Place’ and Portela´s ‘Time’ in the Revisionist Processes
    Gilberto Duarte Carlos, Paulo Guerreiro, Alejandro Lopez (UPT)

    15h00 | Key Strategies in the Siza’s Plan for the reconstruction of Chiado
    Lorenzo Stefano Iannizzotto (ISCTE)

    15h10 | Capturing Álvaro Siza´s Ocean Swimming Pool over time
    Pedro Leão Neto (FAUP)

    15h20 | Continuity and Transformation: Álvaro Siza in Leça da Palmeira
    Pedro Pinto (ISCTE)

    15h30 | Questions

    15h50 | Coffee-break (30")

  • Session V - Inventory, Documentation and Conservation (Clara Vale)

    16h10 | Documentation, construction and digital tools - Biblioteca de Viana
    Tiago Cruz, Teresa Cunha Ferreira, Joaquim Teixeira, Rui Póvoas (FAUP)

    16h20 | The Technological Challenges of SizaAtlas: CIDOC-CRM and Arches as Standardization Tools for Heritage Data Management
    Luisa Domingues, Guido Cimadomo, Tomás Mesquita, Soraya Genin (ISCTE, UMalaga)

    16h30 | Álvaro Siza's works at risk facing the impact of climate change on coastal and river banks
    Yosra Maatallah, Soraya Genin (ISCTE)

    16h40 | Architectural Conservation at the Water’s Edge: Protecting 20th Century Heritage
    Telma Ribeiro, Susana Milão, Isabel Clara Neves, Ana Lima, Luis Paulo Pacheco (UPT)

    16h50 | Questions

  • Closing session

    17h10 | Soraya Genin (ISCTE), Teresa Cunha Ferreira (FAUP), Mariana Correia (UPT)


Les traces énigmatiques des autres


Les traces énigmatiques des autres


In «les traces énigmatiques des autres» a semi-contemplative approach is taken to maintain our conflicting relationship with the gradual destruction of the living things. This ongoing project, like a bad omen, emphasize our helplessness and uncertainty when it comes to the living world that we have dissociated from. An underlying tension among the images is created by impending catastrophe and palpable chaos, while silent phenomena form a wavering atmosphere. By captu- ring living landscapes, a deeper reflection on our vulnerability as individuals occurs. Could the photographic act channel the emotional tension of a vulnerable living body? We must develop the ability to sense a profound connection with the natural and organic world that surrounds us and perhaps images contribute to this intention. Everything is based on observations of decontextualized places that transports us to a dimension that is both tense and mysterious.


Fiona Segadães Da Silva (b.1995) is a photographer and an image book publisher. She currently lives and works in Le Havre (France). Her practice is built by a sensitive and tangible approach to the images. She is particularly interested in our ways of haunting bodies and spaces, our relationships with the living things and mental health. Her photographic work focuses on sensory perceptions and non-verbal projections. Freshly graduated with honors in 2022, since then her work was published in international group publications and part of some collective exhibitions.




Intersection of photography and architecture: scopio Editions, Sophia Journal and photography projects in the book Another approach to the works of Álvaro Siza


Intersection of photography and architecture: scopio Editions, Sophia Journal and photography book Another approach to the works of Álvaro Siza

Lecture AT ETSAB - Barcelona School of Architecture - UPC | JUNE 17 | 10:00/12:00 - Time zone: Europe/Madrid - by Pedro Leão Neto (Faculty of ArCHITECTURE OF University of Porto - FAUP)

Mirar es proyectar. Los arquitectos y la fotografía - Degree in Architecture | ETSAB |EA LLOTJA - Intensive Day | June 2024


Time zone: Europe/Madrid
Information for joining with Google Meet
Video call link:

Pedro Leão Neto (Porto, 1962) is an architect and a faculty member of the School of Architecture at the University of Porto (FAUP), where he is also the coordinator of the research group Architectur, Art and Image (AAI). Pedro holds an MA from the in architecture from the University of Porto (1997) and a PhD from the University of Manchester (2002). He has curated several exhibitions on architectural photography and international conferences, namely ‘Sophia Journal International Conference’, now in its ninth edition (2024 / 2025). Pedro is the Editor-in-Chief of Sophia Journal and coordinator of the scopio Editions, which is focused on documentary artistic photography related to architecture.

Cristina Gaston Guirao, PhD - Associate professor in Departament of Architectural Design - ETSAB - Barcelona School of Architecture - UPC, responsible for the program Mirar es proyectar. Los arquitectos y la fotografía - Degree in Architecture | ETSAB |EA LLOTJA - Intensive Day | June 2024 - will open the session. The lecture Intersection of photography and architecture: scopio Editions, Sophia Journal and photography book Another approach to the works of Álvaro Siza will be the responsibility of Pedro Leão Neto (Editor-in-Chief of the Sophia Journal), who will at the end open the floor for any questions concerning the scopio editorial project and Sophia Journal.

The aim of the lecture is to communicate the broader context of scopio Edition, which creates a series of publications in magazine and book format, namely its scopionewspaper collection and CONTRAST publications, as well as the academic journals on the U.Porto and its significant photographic archive online, providing information on architecture and the public spaces in Portugal. The work is developed with the support of the research group AAI – FAUP and imany projects have the partnership of Rectory of U. Porto Rectory, U.PORTO PRESS and Porto Town Hall, Department of Culture. The lecture will focus on scopio Editions editorial project, Sophia Journal publication and a selection of photography projects in the book Another approach to the works of Álvaro Siza, being followed by open questions from the public concerning the editorial projects and the work developed by research group AAI-FAUP.

Visit scopio website at for recent projects as well as scopio bookstore and Sophia Journal.

Mirar es proyectar. Los arquitectos y la fotografía

Grado en Arquitectura | ETSAB |EA LLOTJA

JORNADA INTENSIVA 17 de junio 2024


Recepción en la Llotja en el porche del vestíbulo de entrada
Conferencia online por Pedro Leao Neto: Intersection of photography and architecture: scopio Editions, Sophia Journal and photography projects in book Another approach to the works of Álvaro Siza. (en Aula I2)

11.30-12-00 Pausa

Taller de cianotipia en Laboratorios de fotografía y de serigrafía.

Pausa-comida en Espai Olivera. Podéis traer vuestros tuppers. Nosotras ponemos el postre.

Masterclass por Martí Llorens: El arte de conservar. Una aproximación a los orígenes de la fotografía de Arquitectura en la Sala petita.

Exposición de fotolibros y cianotipias en la Biblioteca

Unlocking Architectural Discourse and Ideas: scopio Editorial Project

At its core, scopio Editions focuses on contemporary photography related to architecture, the urban landscape, and territories. The presentation will allow understanding the "why" and "how" of scopio, elucidating its nuclear role in stimulating discussions and nurturing ideas within the realm of architecture through the lens of photography.

The presentation intends to highlight the tangible impact of this editorial endeavour, manifesting in a remarkable series of publications in both magazine and book formats, namely its scopionewspaper collection and CONTRAST publications, as well as the academic journals on the U.Porto OJS platform—Sophia Journal —bridging the worlds of photography, architecture, and art.

This editorial project is closely affiliated with the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Porto (FAUP) and its Centre for Architecture and Urbanism Studies (CEAU) and it has played a pivotal role increating a network of researchers and initiatives around this universe of common interest as in the present forthcoming conference - Landscapes of Care: Public housing across multiple geographies - crossing theories and practices. 

Sophia Journal

Sophia Journal is an international academic, open access, peer-reviewed journal, published by the Centre for Studies in Architecture and Urbanism (CEAU) - Research group Architecture, Art and Image (AAI) at the Faculty of Architecture, University of Porto, Portugal (FAUP), in collaboration with the association Cityscopio and their publishing imprint scopio Editions.

Landscapes of Care: Public housing across multiple geographies: crossing theories and practices

Sophia Journal's third thematic, “Landscapes of Care”, addresses research, projects, experiences, and contemporary photographic and visual practices that focus on how architecture, understood in a broad sense, can help to heal the relationships between man and habitat, as well as the socio-environmental crisis that the planet is experiencing.

This issue, focusing on public housing, allows contributions to be centered on a dynamic reading of the city that is conditional and conditioned by housing typology. Combining architecture, public housing, habitat, and urban planning, we are convoking works that explore an interpretative narrative about housing and those who live in it, pilot projects with communities of practice capable of generating strategic visions about the possible future of city and territory, housing and the lives it (trans)forms, in this ontological relationship between the Man and house.

Another Approach on the Works of Álvaro Siza
Contemporary Documentary Photography on Portuguese Architecture

The book is based on the research work that has been carried out at FAUP since 2015 around Documentary Artistic Photography focused on Portuguese Architecture, namely the research work carried out by the author for his Post-Doctorate at the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Porto, ‘Mapping Documentary Artistic Photography: A Contemporary Look at Architecture in Porto (MFDA-ARP)’ (2018). Pedro Leão Neto's scientific advisors were Jorge Figueira, Associate Professor in the Department of Architecture at the Faculty of Science and Technology of the University of Coimbra between 2010 and 2017 and Visiting Professor in the PhD Programme in Architecture at the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Porto, who supervised the research work, together with José Maçãs de Carvalho, Assistant Professor in the Department of Architecture at the University of Coimbra and at the College of Arts. The reissue of the book (2022) helps to consolidate the research, as well as ensuring the continuity of this study and analysis, namely the particular study on the different perceptions and representations of a set of architectural buildings designed by the architect Álvaro Siza that are photographed by different photographers.

About the CONTRAST project

The Contrast project corresponds to the creation of a network of multidisciplinary artistic initiatives in Art, Architecture, Design and Photography that counts with the direct involvement of eleven institutions of higher education teachingphotography in various disciplinary and artistic areas.

The project has been selected for funding in the DGARTES contest to support projects of creation and edition, through theCultural Association Cityscopio, with joint coordination between ESMAD-ID+ and FBAUP – i2ADS, and led by FAUP. 

Research group 'Arquitectura, Arte e Imagem — AAI'  CEAU.FAUP



scopio Editions is an independent publisher closely affiliated with the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Porto (FAUP) and its Research and Development Centre for Architecture and Urban Studies (CEAU). The scope of interest for scopio Editions broadly encompasses Architecture, Art, and Image (AAI), with a particular focus on Documentary and Artistic Photography related to Architecture, the City, and Territory.

scopio Editions operates with a dynamic structure, featuring both periodic and non-periodic publications. Its primary objective is to disseminate various works and authors who engage with or investigate the AAI field through a critical, exploratory, and innovative approach. The central emphasis is on Photography associated with Architecture, the City, and Territory.


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It's said that the universe always makes a sound, but we cannot hear it because we are born in it.

I was born in the year when my country ceased to exist and became another country. Just as my dad taught our dog to bark his last name syllable by syllable, so did my country learn to be called a different name and live in a new way. I was simply learning to live in the place where I was born. 
These days I think more and more about what my parents and teachers put into defining me as "good" or "bad." How much of "me" was in a snowflake costume at a New Year's Eve party in the kindergarten or at the church service with my grandmother. How much "me" was at school assembly in a brown dress with a white apron, how much was at the seasonal potato harvest down in the country, how much was at the family holiday with the chimes announcing the beginning of a new year, how much "me" are there in each step of the bright green entrance hall of our five-story condo? 
More often I think about what are the actor of my statements and the true agents of intentions? Thoughts are dependent on a system of linguistic, cultural and social rules. To feel means to manifest true experiences and unconsciously transmit meanings. Who is the author of signs, symbols, codes, precise structures, templates?  Just a flickering portrait of the motives and reasons accumulated by memory and consciousness to do one way and not the other. Perhaps I am only a part of a collective formed by time, where it is no longer possible to define the boundaries of personal contribution and highlight one's own "I".


The key themes of my artistic practice are related to issues of agency, problems of communication and the human impact of traumatic events. I work with long-term photographic projects, combining with installation form, sculpture, performative video and sound. I am interested in the image of the contemporary person experiencing emotional instability, transitional states between stages of personal and social development. Using and rethinking my lived experience, exploring the elements of my personal archive, as if being an indicator, I emphasize the problems and crises of my generation.




Train to the future


Train to the future


Norilsk is the northernmost city in the world with a population of over 150,000. An artificially created industrial city during Stalin's repressions, Norilsk is popular for its various mineral resources and large mining operations. Norilsk is associated with permafrost, lack of light, depressing landscapes and a grim history.

I went on a photographic expedition to Norilsk with the aim of reflecting the identity of contemporary Russia through the mythologization of ruinized spaces. Train to the future is a journey into a future that has already arrived.

I see Norilsk as a place where the sense of time has been lost. As in all of Russia, the war has suspended the present. I am trying to find a suitable metaphor for the new time, the thin line between past and future. Wandering around the city, I imagine myself as a discoverer of a new land that is no longer with me. During the creation of the project, I was inspired by the stories of eyewitnesses about the victims of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima.


Kristina Sergeeva (1996) is a visual artist from St. Petersburg, Russia. She uses photography, book and print forms in her artistic practice. The field of study in Kristina's projects revolves around the exploration of themes of collective and individual memory and personal perception of the contemporary Russian context. In her work she focuses on reworking and making sense of history, searching for national identity through observation and exploration of the landscape of post-soviet space.




Presentation of scopio editorial Editions | Sophia Journal and its forthcoming conference: Landscapes of Care:Public housing across multiple geographies - crossing theories and practices


Presentation of scopio EDITIONS | Sophia Journal and its forthcoming conference | Landscapes of Care:Public housing across multiple geographies - crossing theories and practices

a catalyst for discussion and construction of architectural ideas, by Pedro Leão Neto, University of Porto

Sophia Journal Vol. 9: Landscapes of Care: Public housing across multiple geographies - crossing theories and practices.
Maria Neto (UBI-FAUP), Paz Nuñez Martí (UAH-ETSAM)
Guest Editors: Igea Troiani (LSBU), Joan Mac Donald (U. Chile), Jorge Tárrago Mingo (ETSAUN)


The scopio Editions project and Sophia Journal presentation will take place on April 12 - 16:00 to 17:00, 2024, at the Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura | Universidad de Navarra. 

Asier Santas, the director of the architecture department at the University of Navarra, will open the session. The scopio Editorial Project and Sophia Journal presentation will be the responsibility of Pedro Leão Neto (Editor-in-Chief of the publication), who will open the floor for any questions concerning the editorial project and Sophia Journal.

Unlocking Architectural Discourse and Ideas: scopio Editorial Project

At its core, scopio Editions focuses on contemporary photography related to architecture, the urban landscape, and territories. The presentation will allow to understand the "why" and "how" of scopio, elucidating its nuclear role in stimulating discussions and nurturing ideas within the realm of architecture through the lens of photography.

The presentation intends to highlight the tangible impact of this editorial endeavour, manifesting in a remarkable series of publications in both magazine and book formats, namely its scopionewspaper collection and CONTRAST publications, as well as the academic journals on the U.Porto OJS platform—Sophia Journal —bridging the worlds of photography, architecture, and art.

This editorial project is closely affiliated with the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Porto (FAUP) and its Centre for Architecture and Urbanism Studies (CEAU) and it has played a pivotal role increating a network of researchers and initiatives around this universe of common interest as in the the present forthcoming conference - Landscapes of Care: Public housing across multiple geographies - crossing theories and practices. 

Sophia Journal

Sophia Journal is an international academic, open access, peer-reviewed journal, published by the Centre for Studies in Architecture and Urbanism (CEAU) - Research group Architecture, Art and Image (AAI) at the Faculty of Architecture, University of Porto, Portugal (FAUP), in collaboration with the association Cityscopio and their publishing imprint scopio Editions.

Landscapes of Care: Public housing across multiple geographies: crossing theories and practices

Sophia Journal's third thematic, “Landscapes of Care”, addresses research, projects, experiences, and contemporary photographic and visual practices that focus on how architecture, understood in a broad sense, can help to heal the relationships between man and habitat, as well as the socio-environmental crisis that the planet is experiencing.

This issue, focusing on public housing, allows contributions to be centered on a dynamic reading of the city that is conditional and conditioned by housing typology. Combining architecture, public housing, habitat, and urban planning, we are convoking works that explore an interpretative narrative about housing and those who live in it, pilot projects with communities of practice capable of generating strategic visions about the possible future of city and territory, housing and the lives it (trans)forms, in this ontological relationship between the Man and house.

Research group 'Arquitectura, Arte e Imagem — AAI'  CEAU.FAUP



scopio Editions is an independent publisher closely affiliated with the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Porto (FAUP) and its Research and Development Centre for Architecture and Urban Studies (CEAU). The scope of interest for scopio Editions broadly encompasses Architecture, Art, and Image (AAI), with a particular focus on Documentary and Artistic Photography related to Architecture, the City, and Territory.

scopio Editions operates with a dynamic structure, featuring both periodic and non-periodic publications. Its primary objective is to disseminate various works and authors who engage with or investigate the AAI field through a critical, exploratory, and innovative approach. The central emphasis is on Photography associated with Architecture, the City, and Territory.






Anomie, the title of this series, refers to a concept rooted in Durkheimian sociology. It denotes a state characterized by weakened normative bonds between individuals and the broader community, leading to moral ambiguity and alienation.

Émile Durkheim's exploration of anomie in the context of suicide rates revealed a critical connection between social integration and normative regulation. Anomie represented a void where social norms conflicted with the internal motives of individuals, causing discontent and ennui. In fact, the modern world is plagued by unheard of rates of depression and suicide.

In this series, O’Connell focuses on his own anomic sentiments. Namely, the disconnect experienced as one embedded within a culture which normalizes behaviors that harm the global ecosystem and thwart personal growth and flourishing; a culture which privileges consumption over poise and meaning.

Yet, amidst the sense of anomie, the series aims to unravel a veiled beauty concealed within solitary and quiet moments. It contemplates the mysterious allure of nature, inviting viewers to reflect on a delicate harmony that still exists within the unsettling dissonance of our modern world.

Serving as both a visual and philosophical exploration, Anomie offers a pensive journey into the transformative power of photography as not only a means of escape, but also self-overcoming and valuation.


Quintin H. O’Connell developed the Anomie series in 2023 alongside his undergraduate studies at the University of Florida, where he obtained his BA in Sociology and Philosophy. Born in 1998, O’Connell is a budding American artist working in photography. His images attempt to reach into the complexities of the human condition, exploring themes of identity, belonging, and the timeless human pursuit of a meaningful life.






17.04.24 - 17.05.24

Opening 17 aprile con Andrea Campioli | Massimo Bricocoli | Pedro Neto

Lecture ore 16:00, Aula IV

Visita alla Mostra ore 18:00
Comitato organizzatore
Guva Bertelli, Marco Bovati, Marco Bozzola, Stefano Di Vita, Pierfranco Galliani, Henrique Pessoa, Michele Roda.


On 17th April, at 4:00 PM, Politecnico Milano – Scuola di Architettura Urbanistica Ingegneria delle Costruzion – Dipartimento di Architettura e Studi Urbano – Spazio Tunnel –hosted the Lecture and Exhibition Camilo Rebelo Parallel Universes, which embraced Camilo Rebelo´s lecture about his work, a short presentation by Pedro Leão Neto about his book “OLIM”, and the Exhibition opening and launch of its catalogue in the collection “Red Series | A Project on Display”, edited by Guya Bertelli.

The event commenced with the official opening of the session by Professor Guya Bertelli, who introduced Arq. Camilo Rebelo to an audience of students, professionals, and scholars. Then, professors Andrea Campioli and Massimo Bricocoli discussed the interest and importance of the long-time collaboration with Polimi.

Next, Camilo Rebelo presented his lecture, beginning by communicating his engagement in teaching at POLIMI for 11 years and then explaining several of his architectural projects from the set in the Camilo Rebelo Parallel Universes Exhibition, and published in a special catalogue. 

Finally, the Editor of Camilo Rebelo´s book “OLIM”, Pedro Leão Neto, conducted a short presentation about Rebelo´s book, elaborating on the author´s ideation process and nonlinear narrative, where memory, identity and places are linked to one another in a rhizomatic way.


Apresentação do projeto scopio EDITIONS | Revista Sophia


Apresentação do projeto scopio EDITIONS | Revista CIENTÍFICA Sophia e da sua próxima conferência | Landscapes of Care:Public housing across multiple geographies - crossing theories and practices

um catalisador para O DEBATE e construção de ideias EM VOLTA DO UNIVERSO DA ARQUITETURA, por Pedro Leão Neto, Universidade do Porto

Revista Científica Sophia Vol. 9: Landscapes of Care: Public housing across multiple geographies - crossing theories and practices.
Maria Neto (UBI-FAUP), Paz Nuñez Martí (UAH-ETSAM)
Guest Editors: Igea Troiani (LSBU), Joan Mac Donald (U. Chile), Jorge Tárrago Mingo (ETSAUN)


A apresentação do projeto scopio Editions e da Revista Científica Sophia terá lugar no dia 12 de abril - 16:00 às 17:00, 2024, na Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitetura | Universidad de Navarra. 
Asier Santas, diretor do departamento de arquitetura da Universidade de Navarra, abrirá a sessão. A apresentação do Projeto Editorial scopio e da Revista Científica Sophia estará a cargo de Pedro Leão Neto (Diretor de Sophia Journal), após a apresentação a sessão será aberta ao público para quaisquer questões relativas ao projeto editorial e à Revista Científica Sophia.

Unlocking Architectural Discourse and Ideas: scopio Editorial Project

At its core, scopio Editions focuses on contemporary photography related to architecture, the urban landscape, and territories. The presentation will allow to understand the "why" and "how" of scopio, elucidating its nuclear role in stimulating discussions and nurturing ideas within the realm of architecture through the lens of photography.

The presentation intends to highlight the tangible impact of this editorial endeavour, manifesting in a remarkable series of publications in both magazine and book formats, namely its scopionewspaper collection and CONTRAST publications, as well as the academic journals on the U.Porto OJS platform—Sophia Journal —bridging the worlds of photography, architecture, and art.

This editorial project is closely affiliated with the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Porto (FAUP) and its Centre for Architecture and Urbanism Studies (CEAU) and it has played a pivotal role increating a network of researchers and initiatives around this universe of common interest as in the the present forthcoming conference - Landscapes of Care: Public housing across multiple geographies - crossing theories and practices. 

Sophia Journal

Sophia Journal is an international academic, open access, peer-reviewed journal, published by the Centre for Studies in Architecture and Urbanism (CEAU) - Research group Architecture, Art and Image (AAI) at the Faculty of Architecture, University of Porto, Portugal (FAUP), in collaboration with the association Cityscopio and their publishing imprint scopio Editions.

Landscapes of Care: Public housing across multiple geographies: crossing theories and practices

Sophia Journal's third thematic, “Landscapes of Care”, addresses research, projects, experiences, and contemporary photographic and visual practices that focus on how architecture, understood in a broad sense, can help to heal the relationships between man and habitat, as well as the socio-environmental crisis that the planet is experiencing.

This issue, focusing on public housing, allows contributions to be centered on a dynamic reading of the city that is conditional and conditioned by housing typology. Combining architecture, public housing, habitat, and urban planning, we are convoking works that explore an interpretative narrative about housing and those who live in it, pilot projects with communities of practice capable of generating strategic visions about the possible future of city and territory, housing and the lives it (trans)forms, in this ontological relationship between the Man and house.

Research group 'Arquitectura, Arte e Imagem — AAI'  CEAU.FAUP



scopio Editions is an independent publisher closely affiliated with the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Porto (FAUP) and its Research and Development Centre for Architecture and Urban Studies (CEAU). The scope of interest for scopio Editions broadly encompasses Architecture, Art, and Image (AAI), with a particular focus on Documentary and Artistic Photography related to Architecture, the City, and Territory.

scopio Editions operates with a dynamic structure, featuring both periodic and non-periodic publications. Its primary objective is to disseminate various works and authors who engage with or investigate the AAI field through a critical, exploratory, and innovative approach. The central emphasis is on Photography associated with Architecture, the City, and Territory.


Presentation of scopio editorial project | Sophia Journal and its forthcoming conference: Landscapes of Care:Public housing across multiple geographies - crossing theories and practices


Presentation of scopio EDITIONS project | Sophia Journal and its forthcoming conference | Landscapes of Care:Public housing across multiple geographies - crossing theories and practices

a catalyst for discussion and construction of architectural ideas, by Pedro Leão Neto, University of Porto

Sophia Journal Vol. 9: Landscapes of Care: Public housing across multiple geographies - crossing theories and practices.
Maria Neto (UBI-FAUP), Paz Nuñez Martí (UAH-ETSAM)
Guest Editors: Igea Troiani (LSBU), Joan Mac Donald (U. Chile), Jorge Tárrago Mingo (ETSAUN)


The scopio Editions project and Sophia Journal presentation will take place on April 12 - 16:00 to 17:00, 2024, at the Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura | Universidad de Navarra. 

Asier Santas, the director of the architecture department at the University of Navarra, will open the session. The scopio Editorial Project and Sophia Journal presentation will be the responsibility of Pedro Leão Neto (Editor-in-Chief of the publication), who will open the floor for any questions concerning the editorial project and Sophia Journal.

Unlocking Architectural Discourse and Ideas: scopio Editorial Project

At its core, scopio Editions focuses on contemporary photography related to architecture, the urban landscape, and territories. The presentation will allow to understand the "why" and "how" of scopio, elucidating its nuclear role in stimulating discussions and nurturing ideas within the realm of architecture through the lens of photography.

The presentation intends to highlight the tangible impact of this editorial endeavour, manifesting in a remarkable series of publications in both magazine and book formats, namely its scopionewspaper collection and CONTRAST publications, as well as the academic journals on the U.Porto OJS platform—Sophia Journal —bridging the worlds of photography, architecture, and art.

This editorial project is closely affiliated with the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Porto (FAUP) and its Centre for Architecture and Urbanism Studies (CEAU) and it has played a pivotal role increating a network of researchers and initiatives around this universe of common interest as in the the present forthcoming conference - Landscapes of Care: Public housing across multiple geographies - crossing theories and practices. 

Sophia Journal

Sophia Journal is an international academic, open access, peer-reviewed journal, published by the Centre for Studies in Architecture and Urbanism (CEAU) - Research group Architecture, Art and Image (AAI) at the Faculty of Architecture, University of Porto, Portugal (FAUP), in collaboration with the association Cityscopio and their publishing imprint scopio Editions.

Landscapes of Care: Public housing across multiple geographies: crossing theories and practices

Sophia Journal's third thematic, “Landscapes of Care”, addresses research, projects, experiences, and contemporary photographic and visual practices that focus on how architecture, understood in a broad sense, can help to heal the relationships between man and habitat, as well as the socio-environmental crisis that the planet is experiencing.

This issue, focusing on public housing, allows contributions to be centered on a dynamic reading of the city that is conditional and conditioned by housing typology. Combining architecture, public housing, habitat, and urban planning, we are convoking works that explore an interpretative narrative about housing and those who live in it, pilot projects with communities of practice capable of generating strategic visions about the possible future of city and territory, housing and the lives it (trans)forms, in this ontological relationship between the Man and house.

Research group 'Arquitectura, Arte e Imagem — AAI'  CEAU.FAUP



scopio Editions is an independent publisher closely affiliated with the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Porto (FAUP) and its Research and Development Centre for Architecture and Urban Studies (CEAU). The scope of interest for scopio Editions broadly encompasses Architecture, Art, and Image (AAI), with a particular focus on Documentary and Artistic Photography related to Architecture, the City, and Territory.

scopio Editions operates with a dynamic structure, featuring both periodic and non-periodic publications. Its primary objective is to disseminate various works and authors who engage with or investigate the AAI field through a critical, exploratory, and innovative approach. The central emphasis is on Photography associated with Architecture, the City, and Territory.


Sophia Journal Vol. 8 Launch & Round-Table at OASRN


Sophia Journal Vol. 8 Launch & Round-Table at OASRN

“Landscapes of Care: Photography, Film, Modern Architecture and Landscape Heritage”


Sophia Journal Vol. 8 No. 1 | Landscapes of care: photography, film, modern architecture and landscape heritage


On 20th March, at 6:00 PM, the Portuguese Association of Architects – North Regional Section (OASRN) hosted the awaited launch of Sophia Journal Vol. 8, titled "Landscapes of Care: Photography, Film, Modern Architecture and Landscape Heritage" This edition continues the journal's tradition of critically examining the confluence of image and architecture, marking another successful year of publication.

The event commenced with the official opening of the session by Architect Adriana Floret, OASRN's Culture and Communication area coordinator. Pedro Leão Neto, the Editor-in-Chief, then presented the journal alongside the scopio Editorial project to an audience of students, professionals, and scholars, both onsite and online. Focused on the synergy between photography and architecture, particularly documentary artistic photography, scopio Editions seeks to inspire dialogue and innovation within these fields.

Neto elaborated on scopio's mission, emphasizing its role in fostering intellectual exchange and showcasing its significant impact through a diverse range of publications. The launch also saw the unveiling of Sophia Journal, a peer-reviewed academic journal that complements the scopio initiative, further bridging the disciplines of photography, architecture, and art with a robust academic and creative discourse.

The involvement of the Faculty of Architecture at the University of Porto (FAUP) and its Centre for Studies in Architecture and Urbanism (CEAU), as well as collaborations with international forums, were highlighted as pivotal in enhancing the journal's global stature. Such efforts underscore Sophia's commitment to advancing scholarly and practical discussions across architecture, art, and photography.

An Inspiring Round-Table Discussion

The event was further enriched by a round-table featuring the editors of Volume 8, moderated by Hugh Campbell, Professor of Architecture at University College Dublin. The editors, each bringing a unique perspective, shared their enriching experiences with the journal, underscoring the collaborative spirit and interdisciplinary approach that defines Sophia.

The discussion ventured into the nuanced themes of "Types," "Places," and "Processes," since the journal organised itself through these themes, revealing the depth of analysis and exploration characteristic of Sophia. Hugh Campbell (UCD), along with editors Igea Troiani (LSBU), João Leal (ESMAD), Mark Durden (USW / eCDR), Rikke Munck Petersen (UCPH), and Teresa Ferreira (FAUP), delved into the importance of photography and film in ascribing value to heritage and landscapes. The dialogue underscored the potential of visual mediums to transform perceptions and narratives surrounding architectural and natural environments and the conversation was a testament to the journal's innovative and inclusive approach to modern architecture and landscape heritage.

Starting with Places, Igea Troiani and Mark Durden, emphasized the revealing nature of places through film essays, both fictional and documentary. They highlighted the interdisciplinary richness that emerges when working with colleagues from various fields such as photography, cinema, architecture, and history. The use of photography and film as primary research tools was underscored, emphasizing the assignment of value to images in publications.

João Leal and Rikke Munck Petersen, addressing Processes, discussed the significance of experiential processes in their publications. The essence of being physically present at a location, observing, photographing, and filming it, is crucial. This direct engagement ensures that the places studied are not only documented but deeply experienced, thereby enriching the publication's content.

Addressing Types, Hugh Campbell and Teresa Ferreira talked about the concept of ascribing value to different types of buildings and sites, touching on heritage aspects. The potential of photography and film to assign and sometimes shift value or recognition towards buildings and landscapes was pointed out. This conversation suggests a cyclical process where places and buildings seek acknowledgment and valuation through visual and experiential engagement. 

Uniting all discussions is the underlying theme of the importance and power of visual mediums (photography and film) and direct experience in researching, documenting, and valuing places. Whether through the lens of places, processes, or types, each pair of editors underscores the multifaceted approach to understanding and appreciating the significance of locations, their histories, and their potential heritage value. This collective insight emphasizes an interdisciplinary approach, blending art, history, architecture, and more, to deepen our connection with and appreciation of the spaces around us.

As the round-table concluded, the engagement and passion of the participants were palpable, reflecting a shared commitment to the journal's mission of exploring the intersections of photography, film, architecture, and landscape heritage.


Looking Forward

The successful launch of Sophia Journal Vol. 8 and the accompanying round-table discussion mark a significant milestone in our ongoing exploration of "Landscapes of Care." We are immensely grateful for the contributions of all editors, authors, and participants, whose dedication and insight have been instrumental in the journal's success.

Sophia Journal has been integral to our academic community for over eight years, and it has played a significant role in establishing an international network focused on the intersection of Photography and Architecture.

Thus, as we look ahead, we remain motivated about the continued impact and growth of Sophia Journal within the academic and professional communities, furthering our understanding of the intricate relationship between photography, architecture, and landscape heritage.

Editors of Sophia Journal Vol. 8

  • Hugh Campbell, Professor of Architecture in the School of Architecture, Planning and Environmental Policy at University College Dublin (UCD)

  • Igea Troiani, Professor of Architecture and Head of Division for Architecture at London South Bank University (LSBU)

  • João Leal, artist and full time professor in the Department of Image Arts P.Porto | ESMAD

  • Mark Durden, Professor of Photography at Newport and Director of European Centre for Documentary Research (USW / eCDR)

  • Rikke Munck Petersen, Professor at University of Copenhagen, Landscape Architecture and Planning (UCPH)

  • Teresa Ferreira, Principal Investigator at Center for Studies in Architecture and Urbanism (CEAU) and Chair Holder of the UNESCO Cities and Landscapes. Sustainable Management, Conservation

+ more

Sophia Journal






Caveat: a Latin word that sounds like a warning, “beware”. It is the title of a photographic series that explores the caves of Vallone di San Rocco in Naples, a hidden and endangered treasure, a challenge for the eye and the memory. The caves are ancient cavities dug in the yellow tuff, the volcanic material that formed after an eruption of the Campi Flegrei about 12,000 years ago. From these caves Naples grew, which used the tuff for its constructions, but which also gave the caves other uses: shelter, workplace, storage, landfill. Today these caves are covered by an urban jungle that hosts an extraordinary biodiversity, but that leaves an open wound in the rock and in history. The photographic series tries to return a historical and formal “portrait” of these caves, showing their architectural, landscape, environmental, social value. The Caves of Vallone present themselves as urban rooms, where space is a void, where air is closed by matter that traces its boundary. A system that has its own logic, its own geometry, its own aesthetics, but that has remained invisible and inaccessible for a long time, and that now proposes itself to discovery and enhancement. This investigation aims to demonstrate that these quarries are an integral part of Naples’ history and culture, but they are also at risk of degradation and oblivion. The quarries are a dormant giant waiting to be awakened with care and respect, not only as geological heritage but also as a custodian of Neapolitan cultural memory.


Born in Naples in 1996, my hometown shaped my worldview, teaching me to observe space and understand the intricate relationships that are created with it. During my university studies in architecture, I developed a parallel interest in photography, using it as a tool for research and documentation. The photographic language became my main means to explore and narrate what I see through the lens, investigating the physical environment that surrounds us, scrutinizing not only the architectural elements, but also the human relationships that interact with space. Each shot represents an attempt to absorb the atmosphere of the place, allowing the context to suggest its stories. Photography thus becomes a form of visual narration that seeks to capture the essence of places and human connections in a delicate balance between art and documentation.



The Seven Circuits of a Pearl


The Seven Circuits of a Pearl


This peripatetic inquiry is realized through a series of night walks across a wide range of Australian landscapes mapping out the transmutable body of nature as a meditative field. Occupying new meanings each time through the walking as a form of grounding thought while moving with it and making something out of it, its residue becomes what remains but empowers. Characterized by their own interruption, when zones of landscapes pause and rebegin by merging into a new form of totality, the fields of these walks are moving bodies themselves; a form of energy that is transferable to words, images, and sounds enabling them to become the toponyms of new constellations. From the west to the east coast, there is no crossing without encountering the desert as the connector in the in-between, the center of Australia; the interior of the continent, and the seventy percent of its entirety, a landscape that epitomizes a ‘before- us’ quality as a site of ancient myth, spiritual dimension, and cultural rebirth and which had, for centuries, been seen as a ‘’terra nullius’’ in the journals of masculine adventurers who tried to cross it. The desert, this ‘’hideous blank’’, as several of the early explorers had called it, is, for the purpose of this work, envisioned like an outdoor thinking room during my night walks; the site for ‘forming aporias’ on the physical space of my images. These forms are for me exploration devices of the unknown; they operate in their hiddenness and at the same time it is through hiding that they invite me to find them anew, fully and wholly.


Ioanna Sakellaraki (b.1989) is a Greek visual artist and researcher. Her work investigates the relationship between collective cultural memory and fiction. Drawing emphasis on the photographic object, process and encounter, she explores the boundaries of a primitive, yet futuristic vision of places and people. She is a graduate of Journalism with an MA in Photography from the Royal College of Art in London and an MA in Cultural Studies. She is the recipient of The Royal Photographic Society Bursary Award 2018 and was the winner of a Sony World Photography Award in 2020. In 2019, she was awarded with the Reminders Photography Stronghold Grant in Tokyo and the International Photography Grant Creative Prize. Nominations include: the Inge Morath Award by Magnum Foundation in USA, the Prix HSBC, the Prix Levallois and the Prix Voies Off in France. Her work has been exhibited internationally in art festivals and galleries with recent solo shows in Tokyo, Melbourne, Belfast, Braga, Greece and Berlin. Her projects have been featured in magazines such as The New Yorker, TIME, Aesthetica and Wallpaper and journals including The Guardian, Financial Times and Deutsche Welle. She has been invited as a guest speaker in the Martin Parr Foundation and the London Institute of Photography amongst others. Her work has been acquired by the Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA) Collection. Her monograph ‘The Truth is in the Soil’ is published by London- based publisher GOST Books.



On Trial


on trial


Although only residing in the USA for a short period, Toronto-based Chilean Photographer Cristian Ordóñez has spent a large-period of the previous decade revisiting the lower states creating works that explore the notion of memory, personal relationship, and encounters with the territory.

On Trial observes and plays witness to these encounters, a body of work that presents the social, economic, and geographic survey of the landscape traveled by Ordóñez. A survey, engaging with all things natural and foreign on even ground, seeking to question not only the observer but the role of the object within the frame.

Forthcoming previous published works, Notes 01, 02, and 03, the new chapter continues to visualise his approach and interest in the photographic process as a medium to explore the territory, own cultural diversity, and the connection between place and ethnicity.

Text by Rohan Hutchinson. Editor, acb press


Cristian Ordóñez is a Chilean photographer based in Toronto. Ordóñez has exhibited his work in multiple group and solo exhibitions in Canada, Chile, the United Kingdom, Russia, Greece, the United States, and Netherlands. He has also participated in various art fairs in Santiago, Toronto, and Vancouver. Using the medium of photography he collects impressions of the world, gravitating towards the parallels between ideas, memory, and belonging. He observes time and space through human absence and presence, captures natural and urban vestiges, explores the vastness and intimacy of landscape, and focuses on blurring the lines between nature, urban structures, and portraiture. His work has been collected by the National Gallery of Canada, Library & Archives, the National Library of Australia, the State Library of Victoria in Australia, and the San Telmo Museum in Spain.

