Sophia Journal Vol. 8 Launch & Round-Table at OASRN


Sophia Journal Vol. 8 Launch & Round-Table at OASRN

“Landscapes of Care: Photography, Film, Modern Architecture and Landscape Heritage”


Sophia Journal Vol. 8 No. 1 | Landscapes of care: photography, film, modern architecture and landscape heritage


On 20th March, at 6:00 PM, the Portuguese Association of Architects – North Regional Section (OASRN) hosted the awaited launch of Sophia Journal Vol. 8, titled "Landscapes of Care: Photography, Film, Modern Architecture and Landscape Heritage" This edition continues the journal's tradition of critically examining the confluence of image and architecture, marking another successful year of publication.

The event commenced with the official opening of the session by Architect Adriana Floret, OASRN's Culture and Communication area coordinator. Pedro Leão Neto, the Editor-in-Chief, then presented the journal alongside the scopio Editorial project to an audience of students, professionals, and scholars, both onsite and online. Focused on the synergy between photography and architecture, particularly documentary artistic photography, scopio Editions seeks to inspire dialogue and innovation within these fields.

Neto elaborated on scopio's mission, emphasizing its role in fostering intellectual exchange and showcasing its significant impact through a diverse range of publications. The launch also saw the unveiling of Sophia Journal, a peer-reviewed academic journal that complements the scopio initiative, further bridging the disciplines of photography, architecture, and art with a robust academic and creative discourse.

The involvement of the Faculty of Architecture at the University of Porto (FAUP) and its Centre for Studies in Architecture and Urbanism (CEAU), as well as collaborations with international forums, were highlighted as pivotal in enhancing the journal's global stature. Such efforts underscore Sophia's commitment to advancing scholarly and practical discussions across architecture, art, and photography.

An Inspiring Round-Table Discussion

The event was further enriched by a round-table featuring the editors of Volume 8, moderated by Hugh Campbell, Professor of Architecture at University College Dublin. The editors, each bringing a unique perspective, shared their enriching experiences with the journal, underscoring the collaborative spirit and interdisciplinary approach that defines Sophia.

The discussion ventured into the nuanced themes of "Types," "Places," and "Processes," since the journal organised itself through these themes, revealing the depth of analysis and exploration characteristic of Sophia. Hugh Campbell (UCD), along with editors Igea Troiani (LSBU), João Leal (ESMAD), Mark Durden (USW / eCDR), Rikke Munck Petersen (UCPH), and Teresa Ferreira (FAUP), delved into the importance of photography and film in ascribing value to heritage and landscapes. The dialogue underscored the potential of visual mediums to transform perceptions and narratives surrounding architectural and natural environments and the conversation was a testament to the journal's innovative and inclusive approach to modern architecture and landscape heritage.

Starting with Places, Igea Troiani and Mark Durden, emphasized the revealing nature of places through film essays, both fictional and documentary. They highlighted the interdisciplinary richness that emerges when working with colleagues from various fields such as photography, cinema, architecture, and history. The use of photography and film as primary research tools was underscored, emphasizing the assignment of value to images in publications.

João Leal and Rikke Munck Petersen, addressing Processes, discussed the significance of experiential processes in their publications. The essence of being physically present at a location, observing, photographing, and filming it, is crucial. This direct engagement ensures that the places studied are not only documented but deeply experienced, thereby enriching the publication's content.

Addressing Types, Hugh Campbell and Teresa Ferreira talked about the concept of ascribing value to different types of buildings and sites, touching on heritage aspects. The potential of photography and film to assign and sometimes shift value or recognition towards buildings and landscapes was pointed out. This conversation suggests a cyclical process where places and buildings seek acknowledgment and valuation through visual and experiential engagement. 

Uniting all discussions is the underlying theme of the importance and power of visual mediums (photography and film) and direct experience in researching, documenting, and valuing places. Whether through the lens of places, processes, or types, each pair of editors underscores the multifaceted approach to understanding and appreciating the significance of locations, their histories, and their potential heritage value. This collective insight emphasizes an interdisciplinary approach, blending art, history, architecture, and more, to deepen our connection with and appreciation of the spaces around us.

As the round-table concluded, the engagement and passion of the participants were palpable, reflecting a shared commitment to the journal's mission of exploring the intersections of photography, film, architecture, and landscape heritage.


Looking Forward

The successful launch of Sophia Journal Vol. 8 and the accompanying round-table discussion mark a significant milestone in our ongoing exploration of "Landscapes of Care." We are immensely grateful for the contributions of all editors, authors, and participants, whose dedication and insight have been instrumental in the journal's success.

Sophia Journal has been integral to our academic community for over eight years, and it has played a significant role in establishing an international network focused on the intersection of Photography and Architecture.

Thus, as we look ahead, we remain motivated about the continued impact and growth of Sophia Journal within the academic and professional communities, furthering our understanding of the intricate relationship between photography, architecture, and landscape heritage.

Editors of Sophia Journal Vol. 8

  • Hugh Campbell, Professor of Architecture in the School of Architecture, Planning and Environmental Policy at University College Dublin (UCD)

  • Igea Troiani, Professor of Architecture and Head of Division for Architecture at London South Bank University (LSBU)

  • João Leal, artist and full time professor in the Department of Image Arts P.Porto | ESMAD

  • Mark Durden, Professor of Photography at Newport and Director of European Centre for Documentary Research (USW / eCDR)

  • Rikke Munck Petersen, Professor at University of Copenhagen, Landscape Architecture and Planning (UCPH)

  • Teresa Ferreira, Principal Investigator at Center for Studies in Architecture and Urbanism (CEAU) and Chair Holder of the UNESCO Cities and Landscapes. Sustainable Management, Conservation

+ more

Sophia Journal


Sophia Journal Volume 7, No. 1 - Landscapes of Care: the emergency of landscapes of care in extreme territories


SOPHIA journal 3RD CYCLE: Landscapes of Care

the emergency of landscapes of care in extreme territories

Issue description

Sophia’s third cycle main theme is “Landscapes of Care” with an overall interest around contemporary photography on how architecture can help a broken planet. It intends to understand how the photographic/imagery universe can be explored as a meaningful instrument of research about the multifaceted complex socioeconomic, political, historical, technical and ecological dimensions of architecture, city and territory that testify, question or emerge from relationships of care.

The concept “landscapes of care” has increasingly been adopted by diverse areas of study coming from health geography to the arts and architecture. Taking this notion to the universe of architecture we would like to understand architecture, city and territory as living and inclusive organisms, constituted by multifaceted landscapes with complex social and organisational spatialities which embody the difference and the other, the strange, the unfamiliar, the indigenous, the human and the non-human.

The 7th number of Sophia (the first number within the third cycle) the emergency of landscapes of care in extreme territories focuses on diverse territories like: the desert; the icy- lands; within unstable boundaries, e.g. between land-water; inhabited by native communities; territories that dramatically alter their configuration due to heavy weather conditions and scarce resources or whose natural resources are violently explored and violated. These territories hold vital information about patterns of resistance, flexibility, transformation and metamorphosis, enlightening the problems of vulnerability and resistance in the unforeseen future while opening up new perspectives of design, including new ways of poetically inhabiting the world as a place of encounter between species (following Haraway’s motto “staying with the trouble” and Guattari’s demand: “We need new social and aesthetic practices, new practices of the Self in relation to the other, to the foreign, the stranger”), protecting the ecosystems and understanding architecture more than the distribution of spaces as the distribution of the sensible.

ISSN 2183-8976 [Print] 2183-9468 [Online]

ISBN 978-989-53640-1-5
Volume 7, Issue 1 | Publication year: 2022

© The Authors. Published by scopio Editions. Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.


Sophia Journal | Print ISSN: 2183-8976 Online ISSN: 2183-9468 DOI: 10.24840/2183-8976 is based at the Center for Studies in Architecture and Urbanism (CEAU) - Research group Architecture, Art and Image (AAI),  Faculty of Architecture, University of Porto, Portugal (FAUP) and is supported by national funds from the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT), I.P., through grant award no. UIDB/00145/2020.

Sophia Journal is an open access journal, allowing for immediate and free access to all content. Except where otherwise noted, content on this site is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International license.

© website Sophia Journal/ scopio Editions


Edição impressa [online acesso Livre] | Volume 7, No. 1 Landscapes of Care: the emergence of landscapes of care in extreme territories (Copy)


EDIÇÃO IMPRESSA [ONLINE acesso Livre] |  Volume 7, No. 1 Landscapes of Care: the emergence of landscapes of care in extreme territories


Edição impressa do Volume 7 da publicação Sophia Journal 'Landscapes of Care: the emergence of landscapes of care in extreme territories'

Encontra-se disponível online com acesso livre em

Criada em 2016 e editada pelo grupo de investigação Arquitectura, Arte e Imagem (AAI) do Centro de Estudos em Arquitectura e Urbanismo (CEAU) da FAUP, a revista Sophia Journal é uma publicação académica anual indexada com revisão por pares dedicada à divulgação de artigos críticos e ensaios visuais exploratórios sobre o universo da Arquitetura, Arte e Imagem.

Sobre a publicação Sophia Journal

Sophia Journal adopta procedimentos de publicação académica padronizados, no entanto, não se limita apenas a trabalhos académicos num formato tradicional, mas inclui também ensaios visuais que são o resultado de uma investigação baseada na prática. Isto significa que estamos interessados quer em trabalhos tradicionais onde é predominante o texto como modo de escrita, que pode ou não ser combinado com imagens, quer em trabalhos num formato de ensaio visual, o que permite uma maior liberdade imagética e no qual o discurso se realiza predominantemente através da imagem.

A plataforma online de Sophia permite aos autores combinar, no formato de Ensaio Visual, texto e imagem, quer fixa quer em movimento, criando assim um espaço de disseminação para a investigação prática onde a imagem está presente de forma significativa, desafiando desta forma o domínio da escrita na investigação académica.

Encorajamos trabalhos que exploram estratégias visuais capazes de integrar aspectos técnicos e artísticos utilizando a imagem, nomeadamente a fotografia, como um dispositivo mental que conduz a uma nova perceção da arquitectura, do espaço e das suas experiências. Ensaios visuais que chamam a atenção para a capacidade de encarnar uma ideia e/ou emoção através de imagens dentro de uma narrativa visual. Trabalhos que podem ser artigos ou ensaios visuais e que permitam (re)descobrir como a arquitectura integra e dá expressão a diversas dimensões - social, política, histórica, técnica e muitas outras.

 Sobre o conceito de “landscapes of care”

O conceito de "landscapes of care" tem sido progressivamente adoptado em várias áreas do conhecimento, desde a geografia da saúde até às artes e à arquitectura. Permite-nos entender a arquitectura, e os temas conexos da cidade e do território, enquanto organismos vivos e inclusivos, constituídos por paisagens multifacetadas com espacialidades sociais e organizacionais complexas, que incorporam a diferença e o/a outro/a, tudo o que é estranho, desconhecido, indígena, humano e não humano.

No presente volume 7 da Sophia Journal e primeiro deste 3º ciclo - the emergence of landscapes of care in extreme territories - abordamos a emergência de “landscapes of care” em territórios instáveis. O enfoque foi a emergência de paisagens de cuidados em territórios instáveis, que poderiam compreender diversas situações e territórios, como foi explicado no seu call. Um volume que reune um grupo diversificado de investigadores, arquitetos, artistas visuais e curadores, reunidos nesta publicação e na sua Conferência Internacional, num exercício de reflexividade conjunta em torno de diferentes perspetivas e construções visuais que chamam a nossa atenção para territórios que necessitam de cuidados críticos.  Assim, embora não propondo realmente novas soluções de design para esses territórios, os artigos teóricos e ensaios visuais abordam os seus problemas dando informações valiosas e perspetivas que podem alimentar intervenções e programas de design diferenciados com vista a reparar, proteger e ajudar a restabelecer a identidade e configuração desses territórios que, por diversas razões, sofreram mudanças severas.

Mais informação em: 

Sophia Journal platform:
Sophia Journal Facebook:
Sophia jornal instagram:

Research group:  Architecture, Arte and Image — AAI CEAU.FAUP


Print release [online Open Access] | Volume 7, No. 1 Landscapes of Care: the emergence of landscapes of care in extreme territories


PRINT release [ONLINE Open Access] | Volume 7, No. 1 Landscapes of Care: the emergence of landscapes of care in extreme territories


Print release of Volume 7 of the Sophia Journal publication 'Landscapes of Care: the emergence of landscapes of care in extreme territories' is

Available online with free access at

Created in 2016, Sophia Journal publishes theoretical articles and visual essays that investigate and think critically the intersections between the image and architecture. An open access, peer-reviewed and indexed journal, published by the Centre for Studies in Architecture and Urbanism (CEAU) - Research group Architecture, Art, and Image (AAI) at the Faculty of Architecture, University of Porto, Portugal (FAUP), in collaboration with the publishing imprint scopio Editions.

About Sophia Journal

Sophia Journal explores the specific potential of the physical book as a unique medium to communicate the theoretical papers and visual essays that are published, which adds to its uniqueness. As a result of the significant collaboration between authors, editors and designers and a judicious selection and juxtaposition of images and text, combined with thoughtful layout and design, it was possible to create a visual narrative where the sum is greater than the parts, which we believe has as a result an innovative reading and a more insightful understanding about architecture through photography.

Sophia Journal adopts standard academic publication procedures, nevertheless it is not limited to traditional academic papers but also includes visual essays that are the result of practice-based research. This means that we are interested in traditional papers, where the incidence is the mode of writing that uses predominatly text, which may or may not be combined with images, as well as in the visual essay format, which allows more freedom and in which discourse takes place predominantly through images.

The visual essay format allows authors to combine in innovative ways text and image, creating space for practice research and in this way challenging the dominance of writing in academic research. We encourage the submission of work exploring visual strategies which are able to integrate technical and artistic aspects by using imagery, namely photography, as a mental device that leads to a new perception of architecture, space and their experiences.

 About the concept “landscapes of care”

The concept “landscapes of care” has increasingly been adopted by diverse areas of study coming from health geography to the arts and architecture. Taking this notion to the universe of architecture we would like to understand architecture, city and territory as living and inclusive organisms, constituted by multifaceted landscapes with complex social and organisational spatialities which embody the difference and the other, the strange, the unfamiliar, the indigenous, the human and the non-human.

In the present volume 7 of Sophia Journal and first of this 3rd cycle - the emergence of landscapes of care in extreme territories - we addressed the emergence of "landscapes of care" in unstable territories. The focus was on the emergence of landscapes of care in unstable territories, which could comprise diverse situations and territories, as explained in its call. This volume has  brought  together  a  diverse  group  of  researchers,  architects,  visual  artists,  and  curators,  gathered  in  this  publication  and  its  International  Conference  in  an  exercise  of  joint  reflexivity  around  different  perspectives  and  visual  constructs  calling  our  attention  to  territories  that  need  critical  care.  Thus,  while  not  really  proposing  new  design  solutions  for  those  territories,  the theoretical papers and visual essays do address their problems giving valuable information and  perspectives  that  can  feed  differentiated  design  interventions  and  programmes  aiming  to  repair, protect and help to re-establish the identity and configuration of those territories which for diverse reasons suffered severe changes.

More information in: 

Sophia Journal platform:
Sophia Journal Facebook:
Sophia jornal instagram:

Research group:  Architecture, Arte and Image — AAI CEAU.FAUP


Online release [Open Access] | Volume 7, No. 1 Landscapes of Care: the emergence of landscapes of care in extreme territories


Online release [Open Access] | Volume 7, No. 1 Landscapes of Care: the emergence of landscapes of care in extreme territories


Volume 7 of the Sophia Journal publication 'Landscapes of Care: the emergence of landscapes of care in extreme territories' is available online with free access at

Created in 2016, Sophia Journal publishes theoretical articles and visual essays that investigate and think critically the intersections between the image and architecture. An open access, peer-reviewed and indexed journal, published by the Centre for Studies in Architecture and Urbanism (CEAU) - Research group Architecture, Art, and Image (AAI) at the Faculty of Architecture, University of Porto, Portugal (FAUP), in collaboration with the publishing imprint scopio Editions.

The current third Sophia Journal thematic cycle "Landscapes of Care" aims to discuss and publish works by several photographers and researchers whose projects use image, with a special focus on photography, as a form of artistic expression and as a significant tool for research on architecture and how this practice and discipline can help a broken planet.

 About the concept “landscapes of care”

The concept “landscapes of care” has increasingly been adopted by diverse areas of study coming from health geography to the arts and architecture. Taking this notion to the universe of architecture we would like to understand architecture, city and territory as living and inclusive organisms, constituted by multifaceted landscapes with complex social and organisational spatialities which embody the difference and the other, the strange, the unfamiliar, the indigenous, the human and the non-human.

In the present volume 7 of Sophia Journal and first of this 3rd cycle - the emergence of landscapes of care in extreme territories - we addressed the emergence of "landscapes of care" in unstable territories. The focus was on the emergence of landscapes of care in unstable territories, which could comprise diverse situations and territories, as explained in its call. This volume has  brought  together  a  diverse  group  of  researchers,  architects,  visual  artists,  and  curators,  gathered  in  this  publication  and  its  International  Conference  in  an  exercise  of  joint  reflexivity  around  different  perspectives  and  visual  constructs  calling  our  attention  to  territories  that  need  critical  care.  Thus,  while  not  really  proposing  new  design  solutions  for  those  territories,  the theoretical papers and visual essays do address their problems giving valuable information and  perspectives  that  can  feed  differentiated  design  interventions  and  programmes  aiming  to  repair, protect and help to re-establish the identity and configuration of those territories which for diverse reasons suffered severe changes.

More information in: 

Sophia Journal platform:
Sophia Journal Facebook:
Sophia jornal instagram:

Research group:  Architecture, Arte and Image — AAI CEAU.FAUP


Lançamento online [acesso Livre] | Volume 7, No. 1 Landscapes of Care: the emergence of landscapes of care in extreme territories


Lançamento online [acesso Livre] |  Volume 7, No. 1 Landscapes of Care: the emergence of landscapes of care in extreme territories


O Volume 7 da publicação Sophia Journal 'Landscapes of Care: the emergence of landscapes of care in extreme territories' encontra-se disponível online com acesso livre em

Criada em 2016 e editada pelo grupo de investigação Arquitectura, Arte e Imagem (AAI) do Centro de Estudos em Arquitectura e Urbanismo (CEAU) da FAUP, a revista Sophia Journal é uma publicação académica anual indexada com revisão por pares dedicada à divulgação de artigos críticos e ensaios visuais exploratórios sobre o universo da Arquitetura, Arte e Imagem. Todas as edições da Sophia Journal, bem como os artigos e ensaios visuais publicados, são de acesso livre.
O atual terceiro ciclo temático de Sophia Journal “Landscapes of Care” tem como objetivo debater e publicar trabalhos de diversos fotógrafos e investigadores cujos projetos utilizam a imagem, com especial enfoque na fotografia, enquanto forma de expressão artística e instrumento significativo de investigação sobre a arquitectura e de como esta prática e disciplina pode ajudar a cuidar de um planeta em vias de destruição.

 Sobre o conceito de “landscapes of care”

O conceito de "landscapes of care" tem sido progressivamente adoptado em várias áreas do conhecimento, desde a geografia da saúde até às artes e à arquitectura. Permite-nos entender a arquitectura, e os temas conexos da cidade e do território, enquanto organismos vivos e inclusivos, constituídos por paisagens multifacetadas com espacialidades sociais e organizacionais complexas, que incorporam a diferença e o/a outro/a, tudo o que é estranho, desconhecido, indígena, humano e não humano.

No presente volume 7 da Sophia Journal e primeiro deste 3º ciclo - the emergence of landscapes of care in extreme territories - abordamos a emergência de “landscapes of care” em territórios instáveis. O enfoque foi a emergência de paisagens de cuidados em territórios instáveis, que poderiam compreender diversas situações e territórios, como foi explicado no seu call. Um volume que reune um grupo diversificado de investigadores, arquitetos, artistas visuais e curadores, reunidos nesta publicação e na sua Conferência Internacional, num exercício de reflexividade conjunta em torno de diferentes perspetivas e construções visuais que chamam a nossa atenção para territórios que necessitam de cuidados críticos.  Assim, embora não propondo realmente novas soluções de design para esses territórios, os artigos teóricos e ensaios visuais abordam os seus problemas dando informações valiosas e perspetivas que podem alimentar intervenções e programas de design diferenciados com vista a reparar, proteger e ajudar a restabelecer a identidade e configuração desses territórios que, por diversas razões, sofreram mudanças severas.

Mais informação em: 

Sophia Journal platform:
Sophia Journal Facebook:
Sophia jornal instagram:

Research group:  Architecture, Arte and Image — AAI CEAU.FAUP


Conferência Internacional | 7th Sophia Journal Landscapes of Care: the emergence of landscapes of care in unstable territories


Conferência Internacional | 7th Sophia Journal

Landscapes of Care: the emergence of landscapes of care in unstable territories

28 de setembro de 2022, 4.ª feira, 15h00-19h00, Auditório Fernando Távora

29 de setembro de 2022, 5.ª feira, 9h30-20h00, videoconferência

A conferência internacional integrada no programa da 7.ª edição de Sophia Journal . 'Landscapes of Care: the emergence of landscapes of care in unstable territories' dá continuidade ao ciclo de fóruns internacionais relacionados com o tema e tópicos de cada edição de Sophia Journal.

A conferência é organizada pelo grupo de investigação Arquitectura, Arte e Imagem do Centro de Estudos de Arquitetura e Urbanismo CEAU/FAUP em conjunto com outras instituições.

Estes fóruns internacionais têm como objetivo promover uma ampla reflexão e debate sobre o universo da Arquitetura, Arte e Imagem, explorando diversas temáticas transversais aos mundos da fotografia e da arquitetura, refletindo sobre o potencial da imagem, com especial incidência pela fotografia, como instrumento de ideação e investigação, bem como um meio capaz de atravessar fronteiras e deslocar limites entre diferentes áreas disciplinares.



4.ª feira, 28 de setembro

Auditório Fernando Távora

15h00 - 15h20

Subir e Sumir (2021)

Mariana Caló e Francisco Queimadela

15h20 - 16h00

Forest Mind (2021)

Ursula Biemann

16h00 - 16h30


16h30 - 17h00

Sweat (2020)

Elsa Brès

17h00 - 17h45

Salarium (2017)

Sasha Litvinsteva in collaboration with Daniel Mann

17h45 - 18h45

Mesa redonda com Pedro Bandeira, Sara Castelo Branco e Jorge Leandro Rosa


5.ª feira, 29 de setembro


[ID: 890 0933 1832 | Password: 400033]

09h30 - 10h00


Diretor da FAUP - João Pedro Xavier

Pedro Leão Neto

Andreia Alves de Oliveira

Susana Ventura

10h00 - 11h00

Keynote Speaker

Armin Linke

11h00 - 11h15



Painel I

Moderação: Andreia Alves de Oliveira

11h15 - 11h45

Noemi Quagliati

Beyond the Whiteness: Environmental Concerns in the Photo-Cine Aesthetics of Carrara Marble


11h45 - 12h15

Inês Vieira Rodrigues

Reshaping the Island: architectures of extraction

12h15 - 12h40

Francesca Zanotto

Unexpected Landscapes. Wastelands as ‘buffer zones’ for the future

12h45 - 13h15

Esther Scholtes

Reframing the Far North

Landscapes of Care in Borealis and Hyperborea

13h15 - 14h30

Pausa para almoço

14h30 - 15h30

Keynote Speakers

Marco Ferrari & Elisa Pasqual


Painel II

Moderação: Susana Ventura

15h30 - 16h00

Alan McFetridge, Antoinette Johnson, Emma Mcloughin

Songs of the Dead

16h00 - 16h30

Bruna Di Palma, Mario Ferrara

Collision course: Bagnare crumbling without one?

16h30 - 17h00

Gili Merin

Six Stones and a Plinth: Astiruan Hórreos as Cultural Landscape

17h00 - 17h30


17h30 - 18h00

Rafael Manhães, Gabriel Weber

Systems of Care:

Cambodian cisterns: networking water, public space, and community

18h00 - 18h30

Andreia Alves de Oliveira

How to Care: Photography and Witnessing in the Era of Climate Change

18h30 - 19h30

Keynote Speaker

Elsa Brès


Pedro Leão Neto (FAUP)
Susana Ventura (FAUP / CEAU)
Andreia Alves de Oliveira (Photographer, PhD)

Susana Ventura
Andreia Alves de Oliveira


Armin Linke
Elsa Brès
Elisa Pasqual
Marco Ferrari

Diana Senra
Sara Lino

FAUP / CEAU and Sophia Journal / scopio Editions 

Mais informações em: 

Sophia Journal

Grupo de investigação 'Arquitectura, Arte e Imagem — AAI  CEAU.FAUP

SCOPIO Network


A sessão vai ser proferida em inglês, sem tradução.

Programa sujeito a alterações (sem aviso prévio)





1. Armin Linke, Lake Assal, extraction of salt, Djibouti, Africa, 2012. Courtesy Armin Linke and Vistamare / Vistamarestudio, Pescara / Milano.
Armin Linke, Kawah Ijen Volcano, Biau (Jawa Timur), Indonesia, 2016. Courtesy Armin Linke and Vistamare / Vistamarestudio, Pescara / Milano.




No dia 28 de Setembro de 2022 terá lugar, no Auditório Fernando Távora - FAUP, a 7ª Conferência Internacional Sophia Journal Landscapes of Care: the emergence of landscapes of care in unstable territories.

A conferência será transmitida ao vivo online englobando uma série de debates e videoconferências.

O objetivo deste evento é o de promover uma reflexão e debate em volta do universo da Arquitectura, Arte e Imagem, abordando várias questões transversais ao mundo da Fotografia e da Arquitectura, explorando como a imagem pode ser um meio para atravessar fronteiras e deslocar limites entre diferentes áreas disciplinares. 

7ª Conferência Internacional Sophia Journal
Landscapes of Care: the emergence of landscapes of care in unstable territories 

For this 7th Sophia Journal International Conference Landscapes of Care: the emergence of landscapes of care in unstable territories we focused on the emergence of landscapes of care in unstable territories. These territories may be, but are not exclusive to: the desert, the icy lands, the rainy forests; territories within uncertain boundaries, e.g. between land and water; territories inhabited by native communities; territories that dramatically alter their configuration due to extreme weather conditions and scarce resources, or which natural resources are violently exploited and violated. Such territories hold vital information about patterns of resistance, flexibility, transformation and metamorphosis, enlightening the problems of vulnerability and resilience in the unforeseen future while opening up new perspectives of design, including new ways of poetically inhabiting the world as a place of encounter between species (following Haraway’s motto “staying with the trouble” and Guattari’s demand: “We need new social and aesthetic practices, new practices of the Self in relation to the other, to the foreign, the stranger”), protecting the ecosystems and understanding architecture, more than the distribution of spaces, as the distribution of the sensible.


Pedro Leão Neto (FAUP)
Susana Ventura (FAUP / CEAU)
Andreia Alves de Oliveira (Independent / PhD)

Susana Ventura
Andreia Alves de Oliveira

Elsa Brès

Diana Senra
Sara Lino

FAUP / CEAU and Sophia Journal / scopio Editions

28 de Setembro 2022 | FAUP

A Conferência será realizada em simultâneo presencialmente e online na FAUP - Auditório Fernando Távora.

The former editions of these international conferences proved to be an important forum for debate and reflection about Architecture, Art and Image, namely Photography on Architecture, whose work can be accessed freely through sophia journal platform and in book format at FAUP’s library, also being sold in many bookshops as AEFAUP and others alike, as well in scopio network bookstore.
The upcoming 7th edition of Sophia Journal International Conference Landscapes of Care: the emergence of landscapes of care in unstable territories intends to yield a significant collection of diverse Texts and Visual Essays, in order to offer a rich reflection through different perspectives addressing contemporary photography and visual practices that focus on how architecture understood in a wide sense can help to heal a broken planet.




1. Armin Linke, Lake Assal, extraction of salt, Djibouti, Africa, 2012. Courtesy Armin Linke and Vistamare / Vistamarestudio, Pescara / Milano.
Armin Linke, Kawah Ijen Volcano, Biau (Jawa Timur), Indonesia, 2016. Courtesy Armin Linke and Vistamare / Vistamarestudio, Pescara / Milano.


28th of SEPTEMBER 2022
Auditório Fernando Távora – FAUP


On the 28th of September 2022, the 7th Sophia Journal International Conference  Landscapes of Care: the emergence of landscapes of care in unstable territories will take place in Auditorium Fernando Távora, FAUP. 

The live conference and the videoconferences program will be broadcasted live online, encompassing: a series of videoconferences and; roundtables.

The objective of this event is to promote the reflection and debate on the universes of Architecture, Art and Image, addressing various issues transversal to the worlds of Photography and Architecture, exploring how the image can be a means to cross borders and shift boundaries between different disciplinary areas. 

7th Sophia Journal International Conference

Landscapes of Care: the emergence of landscapes of care in unstable territories 

For this 7th Sophia Journal International Conference  Landscapes of Care: the emergence of landscapes of care in unstable territories we focused on the emergence of landscapes of care in unstable territories. These territories may be, but are not exclusive to: the desert, the icy lands, the rainy forests; territories within uncertain boundaries, e.g. between land and water; territories inhabited by native communities; territories that dramatically alter their configuration due to extreme weather conditions and scarce resources, or which natural resources are violently exploited and violated. Such territories hold vital information about patterns of resistance, flexibility, transformation and metamorphosis, enlightening the problems of vulnerability and resilience in the unforeseen future while opening up new perspectives of design, including new ways of poetically inhabiting the world as a place of encounter between species (following Haraway’s motto “staying with the trouble” and Guattari’s demand: “We need new social and aesthetic practices, new practices of the Self in relation to the other, to the foreign, the stranger”), protecting the ecosystems and understanding architecture, more than the distribution of spaces, as the distribution of the sensible.


Pedro Leão Neto (FAUP)
Susana Ventura (FAUP / CEAU)
Andreia Alves de Oliveira (Independent / PhD)

Susana Ventura
Andreia Alves de Oliveira

Elsa Brés

Diana Senra
Sara Lino

FAUP / CEAU and Sophia Journal / scopio Editions

28 September 2022 | FAUP

The Conference will be held simultaneously in person and online at FAUP - Auditório Fernando Távora

The former editions of these international conferences proved to be an important forum for debate and reflection about Architecture, Art and Image, namely Photography on Architecture, whose work can be accessed freely through sophia journal platform and in book format at FAUP’s library, also being sold in many bookshops as AEFAUP and others alike, as well in scopio network bookstore.
The upcoming 7th edition of Sophia Journal International Conference Landscapes of Care: the emergence of landscapes of care in unstable territories intends to yield a significant collection of diverse Texts and Visual Essays, in order to offer a rich reflection through different perspectives addressing contemporary photography and visual practices that focus on how architecture understood in a wide sense can help to heal a broken planet.


OPEN CALL: SOPHIA JOURNAL ISSUE Nº 7 AND INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ”Landscapes of Care: the Emergency of Landscapes of Care in Unstable Territories"


1. Armin Linke, Lake Assal, extraction of salt, Djibouti, Africa, 2012. Courtesy Armin Linke and Vistamare / Vistamarestudio, Pescara / Milano.

2. Armin Linke, Kawah Ijen Volcano, Biau (Jawa Timur), Indonesia, 2016. Courtesy Armin Linke and Vistamare / Vistamarestudio, Pescara / Milano.

”Landscapes of Care: Emergency of Landscapes of Care in Unstable Territories"

Editors: Susana Ventura and Andreia Alves de Oliveira
Guest Editor: Armin Linke


Abstract deadline: 27 December 2021
Manuscript deadline (Conference): 28 February 2022
Manuscript deadline (Journal): 5 September 2022
International Conference (dtbc): June 2022
Publication date (tbc): by December 2022

Sophia Journal is currently accepting submissions on the theme of its third thematic cycle “Landscapes of Care”, addressing contemporary photography and visual practices that focus on how architecture understood in a wide sense can help to heal a broken planet. The concept of “Landscapes of Care” has increasingly been adopted by diverse areas of study, from health geography to the arts and architecture. It allows us to understand architecture, city and territory as living and inclusive organisms, constituted by multifaceted landscapes with complex social and organisational spatialities which embody the difference and the other, the strange, the unfamiliar, the indigenous, the human and the non-human. Our aim is to explore the ways in which the image can be used as a meaningful instrument of research about the multifaceted complex socioeconomic, political, historical, technical and ecological dimensions of architecture, city and territory that testify, question or emerge from those relationships of care.

For the 7th issue of Sophia Journal and first issue in the cycle, we are focusing on the emergence of landscapes of care in unstable territories. These territories may be, but are not exclusive to: the desert, the icy lands, the rainy forests; territories within uncertain boundaries, e.g. between land and water; territories inhabited by native communities; territories that dramatically alter their configuration due to extreme weather conditions and scarce resources, or which natural resources are violently exploited and violated. Such territories hold vital information about patterns of resistance, flexibility, transformation and metamorphosis, enlightening the problems of vulnerability and resilience in the unforeseen future while opening up new perspectives of design, including new ways of poetically inhabiting the world as a place of encounter between species (following Haraway’s motto “staying with the trouble” and Guattari’s demand: “We need new social and aesthetic practices, new practices of the Self in relation to the other, to the foreign, the stranger”), protecting the ecosystems and understanding architecture, more than the distribution of spaces, as the distribution of the sensible.

We are looking for submissions that engage with the issues above in the form of theoretical papers, visual essays, interviews, and critical reviews of publications, exhibitions, and conferences.

A selection of theoretical papers and visual essays will simultaneously be presented at the International Conference we are helding in connection with the 7th issue of Sophia Journal. This will take place at the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Porto (FAUP) and it will encompass a live and videoconference programme organised by the Centre for Studies in Architecture and Urbanism (CEAU) at FAUP, in partnership with other institutions to be announced.

Submission instructions

To submit your proposal please send a 500-word abstract (including references and a maximum of five images) and a short bio for each author (up to 70 words each) by the 27th of December 2021. Submission of abstracts is done through our OJS platform, by registering and submitting at:

Selected authors will be notified by the 15th of January 2022 and will be expected to deliver a full paper (between 3000 to 6000 words) or a visual essay (length between 6 to 8 pages, plus text between 500 to 1000 words), by the 28th of February 2022.

Please note that all theoretical papers will be subject to peer review. The other modalities of submissions we publish (visual essays, interviews and critical reviews) are not subjected to peer review. Acceptance of an abstract in any of these modalities does not guarantee publication.

For guidelines on the submission process and our editorial policies, please visit our website at:

For any queries:

Please contact our Editors at

About Sophia Journal

We are an academic, peer-reviewed journal, published by the Centre for Studies in Architecture and Urbanism (CEAU) / research group Architecture, Art and Image (AAI) at the Faculty of Architecture, University of Porto, Portugal. Created in 2016, Sophia Journal publishes theoretical articles and visual essays that investigate and think critically the intersections between the image and architecture. We understand both terms in a wide sense: the image of photography, painting, drawing, cinema, video, T.V., new media; and architecture as landscape, territory, city, spatiality, built environment.


OPEN CALL: SOPHIA JOURNAL ISSUE Nº 7 E CONFERÊNCIA INTERNACIONAL ”Landscapes of Care: the Emergency of Landscapes of Care in Unstable Territories"


1. Armin Linke, Lake Assal, extraction of salt, Djibouti, Africa, 2012. Courtesy Armin Linke and Vistamare / Vistamarestudio, Pescara / Milano.

2. Armin Linke, Kawah Ijen Volcano, Biau (Jawa Timur), Indonesia, 2016. Courtesy Armin Linke and Vistamare / Vistamarestudio, Pescara / Milano.

”Landscapes of Care: Emergency of Landscapes of Care in Unstable Territories"

Editoras: Susana Ventura and Andreia Alves de Oliveira
Editor Convidado: Armin Linke


Prazo para envio de resumos: 27 Dezembro 2021
Prazo para submissão de manuscritos (Conferência): 28 Fevereiro 2022
Prazo para submissão de manuscritos (Revista): 5 Setembro 2022
Conferência Internacional (data a confirmar): Junho 2022
Data de publicação (a confirmar): até Dezembro 2022

A Sophia Journal está a aceitar submissões sobre o tema do seu terceiro ciclo temático "Landscapes of Care", abordando a fotografia contemporânea e outras práticas visuais que se debruçam sobre a arquitectura num sentido lato e como esta pode ajudar a cuidar de um planeta em vias de destruição. O conceito de "landscapes of care" tem sido progressivamente adoptado em várias áreas do conhecimento, desde a geografia da saúde até às artes e à arquitectura. Permite-nos entender a arquitectura, e os temas conexos da cidade e do território, enquanto organismos vivos e inclusivos, constituídos por paisagens multifacetadas com espacialidades sociais e organizacionais complexas, que incorporam a diferença e o/a outro/a, tudo o que é estranho, desconhecido, indígena, humano e não humano. O nosso objectivo é explorar os modos em que a imagem pode ser usada enquanto instrumento significativo de investigação sobre as variadas e complexas dimensões socioeconómicas, políticas, históricas, técnicas e ecológicas da arquitectura, cidade e território que testemunham, questionam ou emergem dessas relações de cuidado.

No volume 7 da Sophia Journal e primeiro deste ciclo, abordamos a emergência de “landscapes of care” em territórios instáveis. Estes territórios podem ser, entre outros: o deserto; as áreas geladas; as florestas tropicais; territórios com fronteiras e demarcações incertas, por exemplo entre a terra e a água; territórios habitados por comunidades nativas; territórios cuja configuração foi alterada dramaticamente devido a eventos meteorológicos extremos e recursos escassos, ou cujos recursos naturais são violentamente explorados e violados. Estes territórios contêm informação vital sobre padrões de resistência, flexibilidade, transformação e metamorfose, chamando a atenção para os problemas da vulnerabilidade e resiliência num futuro imprevisível, e ao mesmo tempo abrindo novas perspectivas para o design, incluíndo novas formas de habitar poeticamente o mundo enquanto espaço de encontro entre espécies (seguindo o moto de Donna Haraway “staying with the trouble” e a reinvidicação de Guattari de acordo com a qual “necessitamos novas práticas sociais e estéticas, novas práticas do Eu em relação ao outro/a, ao/à estrangeiro/a, à/ao estranha/o”), protegendo os ecossistemas e entendendo a arquitectura como, mais do que a distribuição de espaços, a distribuição do sensível.

Procuramos submissões que abordem estes temas na forma de artigos teóricos, ensaios visuais, entrevistas, e recensões críticas de publicações, exposições e conferências. Uma selecção de artigos teóricos e ensaios visuais será apresentada, simultaneamente, na Conferência Internacional, organizada paralelamente e em conjunção com o Volume 7 da Sophia Journal. A Conferência terá lugar na Faculdade de Arquitectura da Universidade do Porto (FAUP), num formato híbrido (presencial e digital), com organização do Centro de Estudos em Arquitectura e Urbanismo (CEAU) da FAUP, em parceria com outras instituições a anunciar.

Instruções de submissão

Para submeter a sua proposta, por favor envie um resumo com 500 palavras (incluíndo referências bibliográficas e um máximo de cinco imagens) e uma biografia concisa de cada autor/a (até 70 palavras cada) até ao dia 27 de Dezembro de 2021. A submissão de resumos é feita exclusivamente na nossa plataforma OJS, através de registo e submissão no seguinte endereço:

As/os autores/as seleccionadas/os serão notificadas/os até ao dia 15 de Janeiro de 2022 e terão de submeter um artigo final (entre 3000 a 6000 palavras) ou um ensaio visual (entre 6 a 8 páginas, com 500 a 1000 palavras) até ao dia 28 de Fevereiro de 2022.

Todos os artigos teóricos serão sujeitos ao processo de revisão por pares, também chamado arbitragem científica. As outras modalidades de submissão que publicamos (ensaios visuais, entrevistas e recensões críticas) não estão sujeitas ao processo de revisão por pares. A aceitação de resumos em qualquer das modalidades, que publicamos, não garante a publicação dos artigos finais na revista.

Para mais informação sobre o processo de submissão e as nossas políticas editoriais, por favor visite o nosso website:

Para qualquer questão:

Por favor contacte as/os Editoras/es através do email:

Sobre a Sophia Journal

Somos uma revista académica com arbitragem científica, publicada pelo Centro de Estudos em Arquitectura e Urbanismo (CEAU) / grupo de investigação Arquitectura, Arte e Imagem (AAI) da Faculdade de Arquitectura da Universidade do Porto.

Criada em 2016, a Sophia Journal publica artigos teóricos e ensaios visuais que investigam e pensam criticamente as intersecções entre a imagem e a arquitectura. Entendemos ambos os termos em sentido lato: a imagem da fotografia, pintura, desenho, cinema, video, televisão, novos media; a arquitectura enquanto paisagem, território, cidade, espacialidade, built environment.