Online release [Open Access] | Volume 7, No. 1 Landscapes of Care: the emergence of landscapes of care in extreme territories


Online release [Open Access] | Volume 7, No. 1 Landscapes of Care: the emergence of landscapes of care in extreme territories


Volume 7 of the Sophia Journal publication 'Landscapes of Care: the emergence of landscapes of care in extreme territories' is available online with free access at

Created in 2016, Sophia Journal publishes theoretical articles and visual essays that investigate and think critically the intersections between the image and architecture. An open access, peer-reviewed and indexed journal, published by the Centre for Studies in Architecture and Urbanism (CEAU) - Research group Architecture, Art, and Image (AAI) at the Faculty of Architecture, University of Porto, Portugal (FAUP), in collaboration with the publishing imprint scopio Editions.

The current third Sophia Journal thematic cycle "Landscapes of Care" aims to discuss and publish works by several photographers and researchers whose projects use image, with a special focus on photography, as a form of artistic expression and as a significant tool for research on architecture and how this practice and discipline can help a broken planet.

 About the concept “landscapes of care”

The concept “landscapes of care” has increasingly been adopted by diverse areas of study coming from health geography to the arts and architecture. Taking this notion to the universe of architecture we would like to understand architecture, city and territory as living and inclusive organisms, constituted by multifaceted landscapes with complex social and organisational spatialities which embody the difference and the other, the strange, the unfamiliar, the indigenous, the human and the non-human.

In the present volume 7 of Sophia Journal and first of this 3rd cycle - the emergence of landscapes of care in extreme territories - we addressed the emergence of "landscapes of care" in unstable territories. The focus was on the emergence of landscapes of care in unstable territories, which could comprise diverse situations and territories, as explained in its call. This volume has  brought  together  a  diverse  group  of  researchers,  architects,  visual  artists,  and  curators,  gathered  in  this  publication  and  its  International  Conference  in  an  exercise  of  joint  reflexivity  around  different  perspectives  and  visual  constructs  calling  our  attention  to  territories  that  need  critical  care.  Thus,  while  not  really  proposing  new  design  solutions  for  those  territories,  the theoretical papers and visual essays do address their problems giving valuable information and  perspectives  that  can  feed  differentiated  design  interventions  and  programmes  aiming  to  repair, protect and help to re-establish the identity and configuration of those territories which for diverse reasons suffered severe changes.

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Research group:  Architecture, Arte and Image — AAI CEAU.FAUP