Presentation of the project European Contemporary Photography Network for Public Spaces (eCPN) - ETSAB - Barcelona School of Architecture - Cristina Gaston - Department of Architectural Design
21 MARCH 2025 (FRIDAY), 14:30h00 | “SALA DO JANELÃO” - FAUP
SHORT PROJECT SUMMARY: European Contemporary Photography Network for Public Spaces (eCPN)
European Contemporary Photography Network for Public Spaces (eCPN) is an innovative transnational cultural cooperation project that aims to transform the perception and experience of public spaces through contemporary photography, film and sound projects (CCP) that relate urban change with several urgent cultural, social and environment issues, fostering cultural diversity, artistic expression and creating in this way new audiences and engagement.
We are committed to building a strong and competitive network and so far, we have secured the following partners across Portugal (FLUP, FBAUP, ESAP, ESMAD), Spain (ETSAB), Ireland (UCD & UU), Norway (Oslo School of Architecture and Design), and Finland (AALTO), alongside other national and international institutions. We are also engaging Metro do Porto and Porto City Council as part of our strategic network.
eCPN embodies the concept of an "Open Museum" by creating a network of "living labs" (public spaces and infrastructures) that are the stages for CPP curatorial projects and are linked to a network of public transport (Metro et al.), securing an excellent impact for the project.
eCPN promotes cross-border cultural collaboration, increases accessibility and visibility of European cultural works, and offers an essential insight into the complexities of contemporary societies by addressing social, environmental, and gender-related issues through interdisciplinary thinking of art, architecture, social geography and photography, intertwining artistic practice, academic research and public engagement.
Addressing in particular young artists and opening academia to society and other publics, eCPN relates in new ways the European Green Deal to everyday realities, being aligned with the objectives of the New European Bauhaus and creating synergies between physical and online spaces, namely the network of websites and platforms linked to its curatorial program for dissemination and engagement. By communicating thought-provoking content around current affairs, eCPN will empower the political consciousness of diverse audiences to compare perspectives from across Europe and discuss and discover how their interests link to the interests of young Europeans in other Member States and relevant EU initiatives.
eCPN constitutes a coherent institutional network of academic institutions, cultural organizations, and associated partners across Europe, sharing methodologies, insights, and outcomes across different cultural and academic contexts, ensuring that its benefits are widely distributed and its innovations can be adopted and adapted by other organizations working in similar fields, with a balanced geographical distribution across Europe.
Moreover, the project's interdisciplinary and transnational approach aims to create lasting impacts by fostering a deeper understanding of urban spaces, promoting cultural exchange, and influencing urban policy through its findings.
Cristina Gastón
Architect and lecturer in Architectural Projects and Theory and Criticism of Architecture at the Barcelona School of Architecture (ETSAB). She has coordinated the Form+ research group (UPC). Two research periods recognised by the AGAUR of the Generalitat de Catalunya. She has given postgraduate courses, seminars and guest lectures at different universities in Spain and Latin America. Principal researcher of the R&D project: Architecture, photography and city: geolocation of the photographic record of modern architecture (2017- 2020). Researcher in the project Recovery and Dissemination of Photographic Archives of Modern Architecture for the development of a Visual Heritage Work.
In recent years, the Form+ research group has focused on exploring the visual orders revealed by the photographic image of buildings. Since autumn 2017, the digital platform Interactive Atlas Visual Record of Urban Architecture. Latin America 1940-1970. The platform - under construction - brings together an extensive collection of architectural works relevant for their contribution to the shaping of the characteristic urban centre of the main cities of Latin America. 180 architects are represented, often working in groups, and 60 architectural photographers, whose work has had a fundamental impact on the dissemination and production of architecture in America and the world.
Arquitecta y profesora de Proyectos Arquitectónicos y de Teoría y Crítica de la Arquitectura en la Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Barcelona (ETSAB). Ha coordinado el grupo de investigación de Form+ (UPC). Dos periodos de investigación reconocidos por la AGAUR de la Generalitat de Cataluña. Ha impartido cursos de posgrado, seminarios y conferencias invitadas por diferentes Universidades de España y Latinoamérica. Investigadora principal del proyecto I+D: Arquitectura, fotografía y ciudad: geolocalización del registro fotográfico de la arquitectura moderna (2017- 2020). Investigadora en el proyecto Recuperación y Difusión de Archivos Fotográficos de Arquitectura Moderna para el desarrollo de un Trabajo de Patrimonio Visual.
En los últimos años, el grupo de investigación Form+ se ha centrado en explorar los órdenes visuales que revela la imagen fotográfica de los edificios. Desde otoño de 2017 está activa la plataforma digital titulada: Interactive Atlas Visual Record of Urban Architecture. América Latina 1940-1970. La plataforma -en construcción-reúne una amplia colección de obras arquitectónicas relevantes por su aporte a la conformación del centro urbano característico de las principales ciudades de América Latina. Están representados 180 arquitectos, muchas veces trabajando en grupo, y 60 fotógrafos de arquitectura, cuyo trabajo ha tenido un impacto fundamental en la difusión y producción de la arquitectura en América y en el mundo.
Coordinadora de cinco Seminarios Internacionales de Arquitectura y Fotografía (SIAF I, II, III, IV, V).
Editora principal de las colecciones de libros Click.I,II,III,IV,V (ver
Directora de 7 tesis doctorales -coorientadora de 9 – y de tesis de máster.
Evaluación de la investigación, número de períodos. 2 (2006-2011)(2012-2017)
Evaluación docente, número de períodos: 2