Casa Comum (ReCTORY) U. Porto
The public presentation of the scientific journal scopio Magazine Architecture, Art and Image and the official opening of its Open Call - Utopia Volume 1 took on the past 5 of June, 2023, at 18h00, in the Casa Comum (Rectory) of the U. Porto.
The event program included a round table whose opening was in charge of Fátima Vieira (Vice-Rector of U. Porto - Culture, Museums and U.Porto Press), followed by the presentation of the scientific magazine by its director Pedro Leão Neto (FAUP).
After this start, the floor was given to each of the editors of the magazine with open call, namely Isa Clara Neves (CES / CEAU / FAUP), José Carneiro (FBAUP / i2ADS), Maria Neto (CEAU / FAUP - UBI), Mário Mesquita (FAUP / FBAUP / i2ADS) and Miguel Leal (FBAUP / i2ADS). Then were given the floor to the authors invited to this Volume 1 scopio Magazine Architecture, Art - UTOPIA, namely Sofia Marques da Silva (CIIE / FPCEUP), Gabriela Vaz-Pinheiro (FBAUP) and José Carlos Mota (DCSPT), as well as the editor David Viana (CEAU / FAUP - UPT). The debate that followed, moderated by Fátima Vieira, had as its motto the various themes of the open call, as well as a reflection on the importance of an interdisciplinary scientific journal for the U. Porto with the innovative characteristics that scopio Architecture, Art and Image embodies.
The event was especially addressed to the academic community, but open to the entire civil society and was attended by a significant number of people, being present in the audience, among other personalities, Ana Camanho, Vice-Rector for Digital Transformation and Information Management of the University of Porto and Olívia Pestana, Pro-Rector for Cultural Infrastructures and Alumni, as well as the directors of the organic units directly involved in the scientific journal project, namely Joaquim Moreno director of the Integrated Masters Course in Architecture (FAUP) and Lúcia Almeida Matos director of the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Porto (FBAUP).
Photo Report
José Paulo Santos
scopio Magazine Architecture, Art and Image is an international academic, open access, peer-reviewed journal, published by the Centre for Studies in Architecture and Urbanism (CEAU) - Research group Architecture, Art and Image (AAI) at the Faculty of Architecture, University of Porto, Portugal (FAUP), in collaboration with i2ADS and CETAPS being published by U. Porto Press and scopio Editions.
It is formed by an interdisciplinary team integrating the Editorial and Scientific Committee of this periodical. The publication embodies a dynamic information space focused on the dissemination of the themes of Architecture, Art and Image (AAI), understanding these subjects in a comprehensive interdisciplinary way and integrating several research centres.
The physical and online publication aims to offer critical, explorative and informative text capable of reaching an interdisciplinary audience, making it accessible to criticism and discussion, namely to debate / (re) think Architecture, Art and Image in contemporaneity.
Scopio Magazine will be governed annually by a major theme of interest and is structured through different sections allowing readers to travel between the worlds of Architecture, Art and Image through multiple perspectives and subject focuses.
More information: scopio Magazine Architecture, Art and Image
scopio Magazine Architecture, Art and Image is currently accepting submissions for its first volume of its thematic cycle "Utopia", addressing a modern notion of Utopia that entails the idea that we must have ambitious visions for the future and propose operational paths, in a creative and collaborative manner, towards the transformation of our society. As advocated by Ernst Bloch in The Principle of Hope, published eight decades ago, utopias offer visions of a better future world and are thus to be seen as part of our current reality and not excluded from it. They are, in this sense, wishful images that direct us towards real possibilities and help us forge a path towards social transformation.
We are interested in works that: 1) reveal the potential of Image as a medium capable of crossing borders and dislocating boundaries between different Architectural and Artistic subject areas; 2) are inspired by broad notions of creativity, innovation, and cybernetics as drivers of social and institutional co-evolution processes; 3) explore the potential of the world of Utopia and Image to inventively question and address cross-cutting problems affecting Architecture, Art and Image. Although we welcome individual works, we encourage the creation of multidisciplinary teams.
With this Open Call "Architecture, Art and Image: Utopia", published in a special edition scopio Magazine AAI Volume , we initiate a new cycle of the publication, integrating theoretical and field work that enables us to rethink the role of Utopia in the very complex democratic societies we live in, and particularly in the universe of AAI. We intend to explore the idea of Utopia as a mental tool for architectural design, breaking, in this way, with standardised patterns of thinking and creating possibilities for innovative and poetical idealisations of space. We will champion forward-looking visions able to materialise the impossible, i.e., realistic utopias.
Abstract due: 1st September 2023 | Utopia
Publication date: December 2023
The Editorial Team will have the responsibility of sending all submissions for review: theoretical entries will be blind peer-reviewed; visual essays will be reviewed by the Editors and another reviewer. Authors will be informed of the result of reviews in October 2023. Theoretical papers and visual essays must be edited per the reviewers' comments until the 1st of December 2023 so that they can be published in Volume 1, No. 1 - scopio Magazine Architecture, Art and Image: Utopia, the first issue of this cycle.
Submission instructions
Login or Register to make a submission.
To submit your proposal, the authors have to register in the scopio Magazine AAI OJS platform and submit through it their theoretical paper (between 3,000 to 6,000 words) or their visual essay (length between 6 to 8 pages, plus text between 500 to 1,000 words) until the 1st of September, 2023.
Submission guide help
For any queries:
Please contact our Editors at